Jérémie 14:2 BDS Juda est dans le deuil, ses villes dépérissent, leurs habitants sont affligés, au sujet du pays, et le cri plaintif de Jérusalem se fait entendre. LSG Juda est dans le deuil, Ses villes sont désolées, tristes, abattues, Et les cris de Jérusalem s'élèvent....
Jeremiah 14:1-2 New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised The Great Drought 14The word of theLordthat came to Jeremiah concerning the drought: 2Judah mourns and her gates languish; they lie in gloom on the ground, and the cry of Jerusalem goes up. ...
(14) Imagination.--Stubbornness, as in Jeremiah 3:17. Baalim.--The generic name for false gods of all kinds, and therefore used in the plural. (Comp. Jeremiah 2:8; Jeremiah 2:23.) Pulpit CommentaryVerse 14. - Imagination; rather, stubbornness (see on Jeremiah 3:17). Baalim. The...
Verse 14. - Surely I will fill thee, etc. This is the rendering of Hitzig and Graf; the enemies are compared to locusts, as in Jeremiah 46:23. But the expression, "to fill a city with men," is more naturally taken of the increase of the population of the city; and it is better...
Relations Between Poetry and Prose in the Book of Jeremiah With Special Reference to Jeremiah III 6-11 and XII 14-17 Focuses on the covenant theology in the book of Jeremiah. Parallelism and chiasmas in verse thirty-three of the book of Jeremiah; Attitude of Jeremiah towa... W Mckane - ...
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. – Romans 14:19 Rather than tearing down, we should be building up and encouraging others as we seek peace. This verse echos Romans 12:10 toHonor one another above yourselves.Instead of dwelling on our...
Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, the prophets say to them, ‘You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you assured
Drought, Famine, Sword 14This is the word of theLordthat came to Jeremiah concerning the drought: 2“Judah mourns, her cities languish; they wail for the land, and a cry goes up from Jerusalem. Read full chapter Evangelical Heritage Version(EHV) ...
Verse 14.-At the end of seven years,etc. This is the literal rendering, but the sense, as is clear from the parallel passage inDeuteronomy 15:12, and indeed from the next clause of this very verse, is "in the seventh (not, the eighth) year." ...
Verse 14. - Turn, O backsliding children. There is a play upon words, or rather upon senses, in the original, "Turn, ye turned away ones" (comp. ver. 12). To whom is this addressed? To the Israelites in the narrower sense, for there is nothing to indicate a transition. Long as ...