Paul comforts the Corinthians (1Corinthians 10:13), or what we find in Hebrews 12:4. The meaning of the first clause is plain enough. The man who was wearied in a foot-race should not venture (as Elijah, e.g., had done, 1Kings 18:46) to measure his speed against that of horses...
Jeremiah 12:7 Meaning and Commentary Jeremiah 12:7 I have forsaken my house The temple, where the Lord took up his residence, and vouchsafed his presence to his people; this was fulfilled in the first temple, when it was destroyed by the Chaldeans; and more fully in the second, when ...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8365 wisdom, nature of human 8365 wisdom, nature of human The human quality which enables the planning and successful... 8366 wisdom, source of human 8366 wisd...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8365 wisdom, nature of human 8365 wisdom, nature of human The human quality which enables the planning and successful... 8366 wisdom, source of human 8366 wisdom, source...
me on a meandering taxi ride back to my apartment, where Arthur had prepared a surprise dinner party for me. I was greeted by a small group of friends, a living room concert by a duo singing some of my favorite songs, and a chef who made a 5 course plant-based meal in my kitchen...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8402 claims 8402 claims The assertion of rights and recognition due. God as Creator and Redeemer makes claims... 8404 commands, in OT 8404 commands, in OT The OT s...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8402 claims 8402 claims The assertion of rights and recognition due. God as Creator and Redeemer makes claims... 8404 commands, in OT 8404 commands, in OT The OT...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8402 claims 8402 claims The assertion of rights and recognition due. God as Creator and Redeemer makes claims... 8404 commands, in OT 8404 commands, in OT The OT ...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8402 claims 8402 claims The assertion of rights and recognition due. God as Creator and Redeemer makes claims... 8404 commands, in OT 8404 commands, in OT The O...