1The words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests at Anathothin the territory of Benjamin.2The word of theLordcameto him in the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiahson of Amon king of Judah,3and through the reign of Jehoiakimson of Josiah king of Judah, down to the fifth ...
Verses 1-11. - The entire people of the Jews is like a good-for-nothing apron. Verse 1. - A linen girdle; rather, a linen apron. "Girdle" is one of the meanings of the Hebrew ('ezor), but is here unsuitable. As Ver. 11 shows, it is an inner garment that is meant, one ...
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Yet few interpreters note that Mark 1:11 also bears remarkable similarity to another verse—Jer 38:20 LXX (31:20 MT)—in which God calls Israel his "beloved son." On closer inspection, there are reasons to believe that Mark alludes to this verse as well as...
The argument presented in this article is that verses 18:7–10 present a different theological viewpoint and serves to clarify what is to be understood what in verse 4 implies in real terms. This illustrates that the biblical text is organic and not static, and show...
Jeremiah 52:8 Or Chaldean; also in verse 14 Jeremiah 52:15 Or the populace Jeremiah 52:21 That is, about 27 feet high and 18 feet in circumference or about 8.1 meters high and 5.4 meters in circumference J...
审判巴比伦的预言 - 论到迦勒底人居住的巴比伦,耶和华对耶利米先知说: “你要向列国宣告, 你要竖起旗帜毫不隐瞒地宣告, ‘巴比伦要沦陷了! 它的神明彼勒必蒙羞, 米罗达必惊慌; 巴比伦的神像都蒙羞, 偶像都必惊慌。 因为有一个来自北方的国家要攻击它, 使它荒凉、人
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