Double Jeopardy 跟很多人听说过的 “一罪不二罚” 有点相似,它确切的意思是 “一事不二审”。 例如,一个人被起诉某项罪名,接受了法庭的审讯之后,也许被判有罪也许获判无罪,无论如何一旦判决确认了,那么检方就不能再次起诉他,使他 “二次面临危险” (因此叫 the “Double Jeopardy” principle)。 那么如果被...
It’s a double jeopardy scenario where you have a risk of strong price deflation and declining overall ad spending. FromDigiday On Friday, she sacked Roger Goodell, basically asking: “Hey Commissioner, ever hear of double-jeopardy?”
Short|40 min|Documentary, Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Director Dale McCulley Writer Dale McCulley See all filmmakers & crew (1) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Double Jeopardy. Try IMDbPro Premium for free ...
Double Jeopardy(1967) TV Movie|30 min|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Milton Blaze is a noted QC who has just won an acquittal for his client, Jenny Connor, arraigned on a charge of murder. His satisfaction with the justness of the verdict is somewhat marred by Jenny's husband who ca...
The first known use of double jeopardy clause was in 1900 See more words from the same year The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies Advanced search tools All ad-free Discover what...
一事不二审:澳洲与美国的司法差异探析 在法律术语中,"一事不二审"(Double Jeopardy)与我们熟知的“一罪不二罚”理念相似,其核心概念是防止一个人因同一罪名遭受两次审判。比如,若一个人因涉嫌偷车被起诉,无论法庭判定有罪或无罪,一旦判决确定,检方就不能再就同一罪行对被告发起第二次诉讼,...
释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 双重审理; 双语例句 全部 1. Guarantee against double jeopardy " is one of the principles of administrative penalties law. " “ 一事不再罚 ” 是我国行政处罚法的适用规则之一. 来自互联网 点击展开全部例句拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...
“一事不二审”(Double Jeopardy)这一法律原则在澳洲和美国间有显著差异,体现了法律对保护被告权利的重视。简单来说,“一事不二审”意指对于某项罪行,被告一旦接受法庭审理并得到判决结果(不论是有罪还是无罪),检方便不能再因同一事由对其进行起诉,以防被告“二次面临危险”。这一原则源于英国法...
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning ofDouble Jeopardy, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Double Jeopardy? n. Trying someone a second time for an offense which he/she was previously acquitted. Despite new incriminating evidence be...
Double Jeopardy(Season 1, Episode 13) TV Episode|60 min|Crime, Drama, Mystery Edit pageAdd to list Two escaped convicts hold Carole hostage at gunpoint, while Sydney finds a way to save her going with the accomplice to retrieve hidden stash of stolen money. ...