Jeopardy! is an American quiz show featuring trivia in topics such as history, literature, the arts, pop culture, science and sports. The show has a unique answer-and-question format in which contestants are presented with clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in que...
— please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Please note that the game airs as early as noon Eastern in some U.S. television markets. Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the categoryBooks of the Bible) for Wednesday, March 13, 2024(Season 40, Game 133): This b...
Last week showed signs of fatigue for the show, so could it rally for this installment?In short, yes: While not completely strong top-to-bottom, this was more in line with the first two solid episodes of the season rather than last week's slightly off aberration. (Tonight's David... ...
and boom… Archival of Jeopardy show intro: Johnny Gilbert: This is Jeopardy! Here are today's contestants… Buzzy Cohen: See, I've always liked knowing things. As a kid, that was kind of my super-power. I remember when I was really young, my grandfather gave me a set of world ...
By 'Final Jeopardy', David Bederman was in the lead with a decent $15K while the other two remained a few thousand dollars behind
and his victory last night means he’ll play again next week against the other winners from this week (plus four high-money competitors). More intriguingly, Emma Boettcher —the competitor who ended his winning streak— will be competing on tonight’s show, so we could see a rematch between...
Susan Bickelhaupt, Globe Staff
See who's competing this week, find out who our returning champion is and catch other must-see moments happening on Jeopardy!
Jeopardy! contestants got fully stumped by a question about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills—watch the moment here.
ABC might not air a new episode of 'Jeopardy!' and 'Wheel of Fortune' on Friday night. Here's why the game shows will not be shown in their normal time slots in some areas.