In an interview with HP, Huang was asked about his signature look. 在接受惠普采访时,黄被问及他的标志性造型。 "I'm happy that my wife and my daughter dress me," Huang said. 黄说:“我很高兴我的妻子和女儿给我穿衣服。” Huang also recalled meeting his future wife Lori Huang when he wa...
Huang lives primarily on the West Coast near Nvidia’s Santa Clara headquarters. He and his wife, Lori Huang, own homes in Los Altos Hills and San Francisco, as well as Hawaii. He’s spent around $55 million on real estate since the late 1980s. Worth noting: Nvidia pays f...
Currently, Jensen Huang is a married man. He is married to his lovely wife, Lori Huang. The lovely couple had met back while doing their undergraduate at Oregon State. The two love birds were engineering lab partners at the time. Through their marriage, the lovely couple has been blessed w...
In 2007 Huang and his wife founded the philanthropic Jen-Hsun and Lori Huang Foundation, which made donations to the Huangs’ alma maters, to public health initiatives, and to various San Francisco Bay Area organizations. In 2017 Fortune magazine named Huang its Businessperson of the Year, and...
黄仁勋(英语:Jen-Hsun "Jensen" Huang,1963年2月17日—)一位台湾裔美国人企业家,图形晶片公司...
At Huang’s side are his wife, Lori, as well as his son and daughter, who flew in from Taipei and Paris, respectively, to surprise their father. The CEO is apparently in a bind. He is trying, but failing, to complete a design review of Endeavor that was scheduled before the doors ...
文/二弦导语天不生我Jensen Huang,GPU界万古如长夜。 3月18日的GTC演讲上,已是花甲之年的黄仁勋头发花白,精神矍铄地用话语凿开技术的前路,勾勒出人类在超级GUP支持下以算力、AI与机器人编织而成的崭新未来。而台下,众多站在第四次工业革命最前端的从业者们不曾怀疑这
回复@StevenLH: Jensen Huang在6月2日的Computex前置主题演讲中首度提及了Blackwell的下一代Rubin。可以说正是Rubin出人意料地被提及,关键其背后代表的 Nvidia 对加速创新的坚定承诺推动了本周的 NVDA 股价大涨,并于今天创造了历史性的一刻:超越 AAPL 成为这个星球上第二
Huang attended Oregon State University, where he majored in electrical engineering. His lab partner in his introductory classes was Lori Mills, an earnest, nerdy undergraduate with curly brown hair. “There were, like, two hundred and fifty kids in electrical engineering, and maybe three girls,”...