从新加入的与会者和演讲中,我们可以看到 AI 和加速计算的覆盖范围和影响正在不断扩大。 今年,我们看到了百思买、家得宝、沃尔玛、克罗格和劳氏公司如何使用 AI 来进行工作;LinkedIn、Snap、Salesforce、DoorDash、Pinterest、ServiceNow、美国运通和Visa将分享大规模使用 AI 的经验;在这里你同样能够看到医疗健康公司葛兰素...
Andrew Sorkin, Jensen revealed an important insight into his courageous character and bold business operations.Jensen Huang of Nvidia on the Future of A.I. | DealBook Summit 2023.This ties in nicely with the classical my...
Huang said he thinks the humanoid form factor in robotics could potentially transform manufacturing. “We’re in a world where, in order to write a software for a computer, we use data, or training examples, and the computer learns from the examples,” he said. “Well, we h...
Jensen Huang, I am very excited to get a chance to talk to you. I’m a huge admirer. I used to build computers when I was in college, and I was so pumped to get aTNTcard.3dfxwas the one on the market, and I’m like, “No, NVIDIA’s approach is so much better than hav...
Huang went on to say that Nvidia’s own self-driving platform, DRIVE, is used by roughly 370 of the company’s partners around the world with a core mission of making transportation safer. “There aren’t enough trucks to be able to carry all of the online shopping that’s going o...
“The reason why cryptocurrency became such a popular thing on top of our GPUs is our GPUs is the world’s largest installed base of distributed supercomputing,” Huang explained. “Blockchain requires cryptography and the ability to have a public ledger that is completely immutable, perfectly ...
特斯拉区域负责人 Kim Gaba Jensen在 LinkedIn 上发布了这一里程碑。 2023-09-27 评论点赞收藏分享 腾势汽车 关注 腾势汽车携手NVIDIA推出全球首个全保真交互式配置系统首现腾势N7 NVIDIA创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)在SIGGRAPH 2023主题演讲中宣布,比亚迪与梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的合资企业腾势(...
Huang said he thinks the humanoid form factor in robotics could potentially transform manufacturing. “We’re in a world where, in order to write a software for a computer, we use data, or training examples, and the computer learns from the examples,” he said. “Well, we have ...
“We have reached the tipping point of a new computing era,” Huang said on Monday, arguing that AI now enabled individuals to create programmes simply by plugging in commands. “Everyone is a programmer now. You just have to say something to the computer,” he added, describing the combina...
Jensen Huang, the new king of the hill in the semiconductor world, has just taken what looks like an uncharacteristic risk. His company Nvidia’s agreement on Monday topay up to $40bnfor chip designer Arm Holdings has threatened to provoke a backlash from Arm customers who see the US-based...