Nicolo Fusi, Ian Smith, John Doench, Jennifer Listgarten bioRxiv, (preprint) This pre-print has been largely (though not entirely) absorbed into the Nature Biotechnology paper above. Further Improvements to Linear Mixed Models for Genome-Wide Association Studies ...
-- Sam Intrator Ph.D, Professor of Education and Child Study, Smith College The issue of safety for GLBTQI students in our schools today is a matter of life and death, not a matter of politics. Jennifer Bryan's book is essential reading for anyone directly or indirectly involved in the ...
At 7:00pm, this year’s Opening Readings will be by renowned poet and CUNY Grad professorMeena AlexanderfromBirthplace with Buried Stones(Triquarterly); acclaimed nonfiction author and poetJennifer Michael Hecht, fromWho Said(Copper Canyon Press); poet and long-timeBest American Poetryseries editor...
In 2008, twenty years after his initial influential testimony, Professor Hansen issued a statement to the effect that his central estimate of lambda was now 0.75, requiring a further reduction of the official climate sensitivity estimate by one quarter, to 2.5°C degrees for a doubling of carbon...
John Smithsays October 29, 2007 at 3:59 am Lukesays October 29, 2007 at 7:19 am Well you’re the one banging on about sea levels not me John Dick. Satellite sea rises for Tuvalu if that’s what you’re on about is 4-6 mm /...
Many Black soldiers did stay behind in the Philippines, according to another letter by Sergeant Major T. Clay Smith of the 24th Infantry in theSavannah Tribune: “ . . . several of our young men are now in business in the Philippines and are doing nicely, indeed, along such lines as exp...
Many Black soldiers did stay behind in the Philippines, according to another letter by Sergeant Major T. Clay Smith of the 24th Infantry in theSavannah Tribune: “ . . . several of our young men are now in business in the Philippines and are doing nicely, indeed, along such lines as exp...
Peter R. Smith OAM MANNUMsays July 6, 2012 at 2:18 pm Hi Neville, It’s good to be back TRYING to espouse the real facts, 1) We (those of us downstream of Lock 1 at Blanchetown) are not saying the area was never, “Quite obviously it was an estuarine system” we know there ...
When Adam Smith assumed a rational consumer, he assumed incorrectly, it seems to me. What we need is a study that shows DDT fed to birds doesn’t harm them or their offspring. We can cherry pick, and find a study here that shows the chicks all hatch (before they die), or that ...