Jenna Ortega Mason Gooding Melissa Barrera Monroe Movie Review Paramount Pictures Pat Über TV Patrick McDonald Scott Thompson Scream VI WBGR-FM Wisconsin CHICAGO– Patrick McDonald of appears on “The Morning Mess” with Dan Baker in for Scott Thompson onWBGR-FM(Monroe, Wi...
Home 7 of 54 Jenna Ortega, In Focus Jenna Ortega in Scream (2022) PeopleJenna Ortega TitlesScream Photo by Courtesy of Paramount Pictures - © 2021 PARAMOUNT PICTURES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Back to top
BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE - Official Teaser Trailer (2024) Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Jenna Ortega 01:20 BEETLEJUICE 2 – The First Trailer (2024) 01:18 Beetlejuice 2 (2024) Movie Preview 03:56 BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE | Official Trailer | Subtitled 02:28 MERLINA Season 2...
这位童星就是珍娜·奥尔特加(Jenna Ortega),去年因主演恐怖奇幻剧《星期三》而大 火,目前已经拥有超过四千万的 Instagram 粉丝,今年才20岁。 Jenna Ortega has been caught smoking while out and about with a friend. 珍娜·奥尔特加在与朋友外出时被发现吸烟。 The star and fellow actress Gideon Aldon were ...
since September — those featuring Ortega's image reportedly ran throughout the month of February. Of the ads that had run on Meta's platforms, the news outlet says 30 were already suspended for not meeting the company's advertising standards, but the ads featuring Ortega were not among ...
詹娜·奥尔特加(Jenna Ortega)2002年09月27日出生于美国,曾参演《钢铁侠3》《惊声尖叫5、6》等,近日,身穿高叉蕾丝裙外出参加街拍,身材匀称,性感迷人 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pi...
giving her ensemble the perfect goth glam edge. Ortega explained her choice of accessory toEntertainment Tonight, sharing: "I felt like if I was gonna wear black like everyone else, I probably should make a deal out of it ... I think [Wednesday] would appreciate the veil." She also donn...
Jenna Ortega整个过程中从不请假不迟到,在薪资上也未讨价还价,可以说是训练有素十分专业,宁可自己忍一忍也不想让别人失望。 另一个原因则是因为亚当斯一家同为拉丁裔,而Jenna Ortega一家则是墨西哥初代移民,年纪小小就出道的她,曾因高强度工作和压力患上抑郁症。她在积极接受治疗后写了书,用自己的亲身经历鼓励大...
Discover & share this Jenna Ortega Bike Sticker by Warner Bros. Pictures with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega have anold problemon their hands. The two star inthe upcoming“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” which brings Michael Keaton back as Beetlejuice, the wacky poltergeist in the sequel to the 1998 comedy “Beetlejuice.” ...