首先启动终端。 单击屏幕左上角的Ubuntu图标,在弹出的窗口中点击搜索栏,输入“terminal”, 稍等片...
环境变量可以在Jenkins的全局配置中定义,也可以在Pipeline脚本中通过environment指令定义。定义环境变量后,可以在Jenkinsfile中通过${env.VARIABLE_NAME}的方式来引用。 另外,Jenkinsfile还支持使用参数化构建来传递变量。通过在Jenkins的构建配置中定义参数,可以在Jenkinsfile中通过${params.PARAMETER_NAME}的方式来引用。
here, for simplicity, it is a part of the Jenkinsfile). We useINITIALIZE_ENV_VARIABLES_FROM_MAPenvironment variable assignment to callMyVars.initializeEnvironmentVariables(this)method that can accessenvfrom thescriptparameter. Calling this method from insideenvironmentblock has...
If your job is configured to use a specific JDK, this variable is set to the JAVA_HOME of the specified JDK. When this variable is set, PATH is also updated to include the bin subdirectory of JAVA_HOME JENKINS_URL Full URL of Jenkins, such as (NOTE: only available if Jenkins URL set...
RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R - rstudio/Jenkinsfile.macos at master · noamross/rstudio
setDisplayName(pipeline.other()asVersion) } } } def setDisplayName(Version version) {if(version) { currentBuild.displayName = version.toString() } } Note: you can find the code for our global pipeline libraryhere. Jenkinsfile node {defrootDir=pwd()defbranchName=${env.BRANCH_NAME}// Work...
该镜像是Jenkins自定义jnlp容器模板,主要用于Jenkins工作节点容器化使用,主要包含Gitlab_release发布、 docker 容器管理、kubectl 集群管理功能。我们可以直接在docker 的环境中下来 说明: 镜像构建文件 #---# # Title: Base in Alpine Images Create Custom Jenkins Kubernetes jnlp Images # Author: WeiyiGeek # Web...
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'codecov-token-core', variable: 'CODECOV_TOKEN']]) { sh 'curl -s https://codecov.io/bash | bash' } } } } } def environment() { return [ "UNITTEST_SHUFFLE=1", "UNITTEST_PROGRESS=1" ] } def readGitTag...
Prepare the execution environment Run the Pipeline Preparation Jenkinsfile Runner bundle includes the Jenkins core and a minimum set of plugins. More plugins can be installed on-demand. If it is not needed, just skip this step. To add plugins, create a directory and assemble all the plugins...
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'ide-keychain-passphrase', variable: 'KEYCHAIN_PASSPHRASE')]){ sh 'security unlock-keychain -p $KEYCHAIN_PASSPHRASE && security set-keychain-settings' // turn off timeout } // set requisite environment variables ...