Type(s) of account issue I've lost my password, I didn't receive any email Summary I want to recover my username and password of Jenkins jenkins.io account username No response jenkins.io account email vinayantony3@gmail.com Which URL ar...
Scope 选择 Global,Username 为你登录 GitLab 的用户名,Password 为你登录 GitLab 的密码。ID 默认不用填写,Description 我们这里写一个可以区分当前登录信息的字符串即可。 SSH 形式,Kind 选择:SSH Username with private key,Scope 还是选择 Global,Username 还是 GitLab 登录的用户名,Private Key ...
import urllib2 import base64 def auth_headers(username, password): return 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1] auth = auth_headers('sal', 'foobar') top_level_url = "http://localhost:8080" a_url = 'http://localhost:8080/job/foo/4/api/python' re...
give it a name (mine is “JDK8”), and leave the defaultInstall from java.sun.comchecked. Accept the Oracle license agreement, then click the “Please enter your username/password” link. Enter your Oracle username and password and pressClose. You’ll be presented with a screen similar to...
Visit iForgot to reset your account (https://iforgot.apple.com)., NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}" ) . As you can see, it found the password and attempting to contact the notary service (that failed, of course, because the account and password are completely bogus)....
Claire Jenkins Avec Band Sep 30, 2013 at 04:40 PM , Sint-Gillis, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium 7,070 Comment Share Something went wrong and we couldn't load any more.Try again Close Facebook Twitter Email Email or Username Password Forgot login? Don’t have an account? Joining ...
All types Posts Photos Videos Music Articles Mixes Song plays 83 66 Wilkes Barre, PA Top 8 Close Facebook Twitter Email Email or Username Password Forgot login? Don’t have an account? Joining is quick and easy. Welcome to Myspace. Just start typing to find music. Queue Mixes This is you...
Close Facebook Twitter Email Email or Username Password Forgot login? Don’t have an account? Joining is quick and easy. Welcome to Myspace. Just start typing to find music. Queue Mixes This is your queue. Just start typing to find music. Connecting to your webcam. You may be prompted ...
All types Posts Photos Videos Music Articles Mixes Song plays 54 52 Gahanna, OH Top 8 Close Facebook Twitter Email Email or Username Password Forgot login? Don’t have an account? Joining is quick and easy. Welcome to Myspace. Just start typing to find music. Queue Mixes This is your qu...