用法:一般选择第一个“Use this node as much as possible”(尽可能的使用这个节点) 启动方式:通过Java Web启动代理 注意最后“节点属性”,可以勾选“工具位置”提前指定该机器中的如JDK等工具的路径。 刚添加好后的从节点处于不可用状态,还需要进行一堆的配置: ③ 主节点配置代理 主节点:系统管理-全局安全配置...
用法:一般选择第一个“Use this node as much as possible”(尽可能的使用这个节点) 启动方式:通过JavaWeb启动代理 注意最后“节点属性”,可以勾选“工具位置”提前指定该机器中的如JDK等工具的路径。 刚添加好后的从节点处于不可用状态,还需要进行一堆的配置: ③ 主节点配置代理 主节点:系统管理-全局安全配置-...
Lables:标签,用于实现后续Job调度策略,根据Jobs配置的Label选择Salve Node Usage:支持两种模式“Use this Node as much as possible”、“Only build Jobs with Label expressiong matching this Node”。选择“Only build Jobs with Label expressiong matching this Node”, Launch method:这里以选择JNLP连接方式为例...
Lables:标签,用于实现后续Job调度策略,根据Jobs配置的Label选择Salve Node Usage:支持两种模式“Use this Node as much as possible”、“Only build Jobs with Label expressiong matching this Node”。选择“Only build Jobs with Label expressiong matching this Node”, Launch method:这里以选择JNLP连接方式为例...
用法:根据实际情况,可以选择 Use this node as much as possible 来最大化使用这个 Agent 。 启动方式:选择 Launch agents via SSH 。 主机:填写 Jenkins Agent 的 IP 。 Credentials:选择之前创建的凭据。 Host Key Verification Strategy:选择 Known hosts file verification Strategy ...
Use this node as much as possible Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node 勾选 启动方式:这里是选择通过的ssh 主机:输入slave节点的地址 Credentials: 选择远程主机联通的认证秘钥或者密码 Host Key Verification 其他的几种方式限制比较多 Strategy:选择不验证(non verifying verification strategy...
*Name*:JenkinsAgent1*NumberOfExecutors*:1-2*RemoteRootDirectory*:/home/jenkins/agent*Labels*:linux,python # Space separated values,Can be useful to restrict jobs to run on a particular agent*Usage*:Usethisnodeasmuchaspossible*Launch Method*:Launch agents viaSSH*Host*:jenkins_agent # Agent's ...
Usage:选择“Use this node as much as possible” 图4 Pod Template基本参数 添加容器:单击“Add Container > Container Template”,参数配置如图5所示。 Name(名称):必须为jnlp。 Docker image(镜像):jenkins/inbound-agent:4.13.3-1。此处镜像版本可能随时间变化发生变动,请根据实际情况进行选择,或使用latest...
The mode controlling how Jenkins allocates jobs to agents. Can be either `normal' (use this node as much as possible) or `exclusive' (only build jobs with label expressions matching this node). Default is `normal'. (default: normal) ...
In this example, Agents and the Master are deployed in the same cluster. Therefore, the Agents can use the ClusterIP Service to connect to the Master. If Agents need to connect to the Master across clusters or through the public network, select a proper Service type. Note that the IP add...