Build modules in parallel:并发构建模块 Use private Maven repository:指定一个独立的Maven仓库,位于工作空间的.repository目录 使用自定义的工作空间:为了不去覆盖或改动原来默认的工作空间,可以指定自己的工作目录 2.6 配置General的参数 根据需要配置保存的构建和构建包的数目 构建天数:之前的旧构建所有信息都会被删除...
MY_MAVEN_PROJECT_ nightly_build All of these task use a common maven repository located in ~/m2./repository The problem is that the all builds use the same maven repository, when I execute the nightly build I’d like to remove also the maven repository, in order to have a very clean...
演示目标:修改本地ZrLog项目的源码,通过Git提交至GitLab,如果推送master分支的代码会触发Jenkins自动使用Maven构建项目,而推送dev分支的代码则不会触发Jenkins使用Maven构建项目,项目构建完成后通过SonarQube对代码进行质量管理和检测,最终发布至远程节点的Tomcat中自动解压执行 2、关闭SELinux和firewalld 3、配置epel源 4、...
在面板左侧的导航栏中点击“系统管理”,进入到“管理Jenkins”界面,选择界面中的System Configuration ---> Global Tool Configuration后进入到“全局工具配置”界面,依次对Maven配置、JDK、Git、Maven、NodeJS、Sonar Scanner等进行配置。 3.1、Maven配置 主要用于Maven的主配置文件settings.xml的设定。settings.xml包含仓...
[zzw@7dgroup3 ~]$ cd /usr/local/maven/conf/ 找到settings.xml在mirrors节点下添加: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <mirrors> <!-- mirror | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that | this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element...
A Nexus installation brings you such a repository for your company. So you can host your own repositories, but also use Nexus as a proxy for public repositories. With such a proxy the time to receive an artifact is reduced and it saves bandwidth. Nexus allows you to host your private buil...
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts. | | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository <localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository> --> <localRepository>${user.home}/.m2/repository</localRepository> ...
--><localRepository>/root/.m2</localRepository><!-- interactiveMode | This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false, | maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for ...
# image: jenkins/jnlp-agent-maven # tag: latest # python: # podName: python # customJenkinsLabels: python # sideContainerName: python # image: python # tag: "3" # command: "/bin/sh -c" # args: "cat" # TTYEnabled: true