// 使用 load 方法加载 src/com/example/MyClass.groovy load'com/example/MyClass.groovy'// 在 vars/deployPipeline.groovy 中调用 resources/deployDev.groovy libraryResource'my-shared-library/deployDev.groovy' 配置共享库 首先要将共享库上传到代码仓库中,Jenkins会拉取共享库并编译加载注意,在jenkins也要安...
编写Jenkinsfile node('openjdk8'){@Library('jenkins_library')_ log.info'Starting'log.warning'Nothing to do!'} @Library('jenkins_library')_ pipeline{agent{label'openjdk8'}stages{stage('Example'){steps{script{log.info'Starting'log.warning'Nothing to do!'}}} 执行该流水线,jenkins日志如下所示...
在Pipeline脚本中引用并调用这个自定义步骤: groovy @Library('my-shared-library') _ pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Example') { steps { script { // 调用共享库中的自定义步骤 myCustomStep() } } } } } 通过以上步骤,您就可以在Jenkins中成功配置并使用共享库来优化您的Pipeline了。
这里,@Library('my-shared-library') _引用了你的共享库,my-shared-library应该替换为你在 Jenkins 配置中定义的库的名称。import org.example.Uploader引入了你刚刚创建的 Groovy 类。 步骤3: 配置 Jenkins 确保Jenkins 有权限访问你的共享库仓库,并且在 Jenkins 的系统配置中正确设置了共享库。
example.otherExampleMethod() } shared library方式 https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/ 最为推荐。 As Pipeline is adopted for more and more projects in an organization, common patterns are likely to emerge. Oftentimes it is useful to share parts of Pipelines between various proj...
An example is below of what a Jenkinsfile can look like. @Library('SharedLibrary') _ CondaPipeline(["ts_config_attcs"], "ts-athexapod", "lsst.ts.ATHexapod") Components Contains logic for abstracting tools used in building software. vars Contains logic for running different pipelines. The...
This example is using strategy #2: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 jsl = library( identifier:'jenkins-shared-library@1.0.4', retriever: modernSCM( [ $class:'GitSCMSource', remote:'https://github.com/hoto/jenkins-shared-library.git' ...
我在Jenkins中定义了一个共享库:@Library('jenkins-pipeline-shared-library-example') _但是,如果我省略了groovy @Library(' 浏览1提问于2017-09-26得票数3 回答已采纳 1回答 jenkins中groovy脚本中的参数访问抛出异常 、、、 我有一个名为VERSION的字符串参数,它被设置为example - 0000,下面是我在jenkins中的...
Jenkins Shared Library Test Harness Example https://github.com/stchar/pipeline-sharedlib-testharness 相关链接 Pipeline Syntax reference Pipeline Steps reference Private Jenkins Shared Libraries How-To Use third party libraries in Jenkins Pipeline
@Library('utils') _ pipeline { agent none stage ('Example') { steps { // log.info 'Starting' // 该命令会失败,因为它在 script 块之外 script { // 需要使用 script 块来访问全局变量 log.info 'Starting' log.warning 'Nothing to do!' ...