In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project. Downloads Non-source downloads such as WAR file and several Linux packages can be found on our Mirrors. Source...
Jenkins integration with GitHub pull requests. Contribute to litl/leeroy development by creating an account on GitHub.
1、Jenkins 安装 修改自定义端口 # vim/etc/sysconfig/jenkins 找到JENKINS_PORT="8080"重启 # sudo service jenkins restart 2、github 及 Jenkins 配置
[My_github] $ cmd.exe /C "C:\Users\admin\.jenkins\workspace\My_github\gradlew.bat clean assembleRelease && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%" Starting a Gradle Daemon, 2 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What w...
Jenkins 是一款流行的开源持续集成(Continuous Integration)工具,广泛用于项目开发,具有自动化构建、测试和部署等功能。本文以 CentOS7 环境为例,总结了 Jenkins 的安装与配置、邮件功能使用,并接入著名开源项目 fastjson,以此演示Java项目(SVN+Maven)中 FindBugs/CheckStyle/PMD 等常用插件的使用、单元测试及其覆盖率报告...
For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support. Continuous integration using JenkinsYou can automatically trigger build jobs on a Jenkins server when pushes are made to a repository in your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Requirements Follow our white pap...
持续集成(Continuous integration, 简称CI)指的是,频繁地(一天多次)将代码集成到主干。持续集成的目的,就是让产品可以快速迭代,同时还能保持高质量。它的核心措施是,代码集成到主干之前,必须通过自动化测试。只要有一个测试用例失败,就不能集成。通过持续集成, 团队可以快速的从一个功能到另一个功能,简而言之,敏捷软...
进入管理插件,在可选插件里所有关键字,下载安装插件Keychains and Provisioning ProfilesManagement和 Xcode integration 4.1 选取拷 在桌上login.keychain以及项 相对应的Provisioning Profile 并upload 注意:开发证书和provision profile 一定要对应正确,不然命令行打包会认证不了而失败 ...
then the GitHub project should be: or if the project is private, you can get faster navigation with: If you want to enable build triggering, you need to configure your Jenkins instance for receiving the push notificati...
Jenkins 是一款流行的开源持续集成(Continuous Integration)工具,广泛用于项目开发,具有自动化构建、测试和部署等功能。官网:Jenkins 官网。 Jenkins的特征 开源的Java语言开发持续集成工具,支持持续集成,持续部署。 易于安装部署配置:可通过yum安装,或下载war包以及通过docker容器等快速实现安装部署,可方便web界面配置管理。