Verify the installation by checking the version of the Java compiler: javac-version This should print the version number of the Java compiler, indicating that the JDK is installed and is working correctly. Once complete, we can proceed and run the Jenkins from the WAR file. ...
Here I will use the Long-term Support (LTS) version by clicking on the Generic Java package (.war) in the site to download. OK, everything is ready. Now install it! First, unpack the Apache Tomcat installation file. Myself is as follows: Then copy Jenkins’s jenkins.war to Apache To...
On the installation Process you will get the admin password and you will get the successfully running messageAfter that you will search the on browser using following URL localhost:8080 Then you need to unlock your Jenkins using the Admin Password: This is the welcome page of Jenkins. Here you...
在Servlet container中运行 Alternatively, if you have a servlet container that supports Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0, such as Glassfish v2, Tomcat 5 (or any later versions), then you can run them as services, and deployjenkins.waras you would any other war file. For example, you could simply place... -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8080 由于是java开发,必须有jdk环境变量,以及可以直接使用java功能运行 [root@izwz91h49n3mj8r232gqwezopt]#java-jarjenkins.war--httpPort=8080 Runningfrom:/opt/jenkins.war webroot:$user.home/.jenkins
you could simply place the jenkins.war file in Tomcat’s webapps directory. 此时使用的URL默认就变成: http://localhost:8080/jenkins 同时Jenkins提供一些默认不会启动的特殊的功能,参考下面的link来enable它们。 ...
1.搭建Nginx+Tomcat集群架构? 2.开发提交Java源代码至gitlab仓库? 3.手动获取Java源代码,然后使用maven进行编译? 4.将编译后的war包部署至tomcat集群? 5.最后通过浏览器访问测试,检测项目是否部署OK?1.安装Nginx+Tomcat集群#1.在103,104主机上安装TomcatA、TomcatB(两台都需要安装) yum install java -y # ...
You can either install Jenkins using war file or as a service. Extract the Zip file and the run the setup. Installation wizard is opened as shown below. Click Next. Select the destination folder where the Jenkins has to be installed and click next. ... 如下: [root@localhost jenkins]#lsjenkins.war 1. 2. 3. 启动jenkins [root@localhost jenkins]# java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8088Running from:/opt/jenkins/jenkins.war webroot: $user.home/.jenkins2020-09-1316:50:16.155+0000[id=1]...
--jenkins-version: (optional) Version of Jenkins to be used. If not specified, the plugin manager will try to extract it from the WAR file or other sources. The argument can be also set using theJENKINS_VERSIONenvironment variable.