Error Message 解决方案 <distributionManagement> 's repository (like credit-releases/snapshots) in pom or parent pom: config in JENKINS 参考文献 http
Jenkins - Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized,ErrorMessage解决方案<distributionManagement>'srepository(likecredit-releases/snapshots)inpomorparentpom:configinJENKINS参考文献https://blog.c...
stdout: stderr: error:The requested URL returned error:401 Unauthorizedwhileaccessing HTTP request failed at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.launchCommandIn( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.C...
在Jenkins中新建任务后,在源码管理中选择Git,并且通过用户名和密码的 凭证方式连接到Git仓库时提示: error: The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized while accessing 注: 关注公众号 霸道的程序猿 获取编程相关电子书、教程推送与免费下载。 实现 原因是Git的版本过低。 当前版本2.7.0,所以将git的版本升级...
或者是访问某种页面比如 html,asp没事情,但是访问jsp或者php就有问题,显示401.3 ACL 禁止访问资源等...
* and Status: 401 and ErrorCode:Unauthorized and (Method: BatchPostLogStoreLogs or Method: PostLogStoreLogs or Method: PutWebTracking or Method: WebTracking or Method: WebTrackingImg) |select Project, Logstore, count(*) as count from log group by Project, Logstore order by count desc 成功写...
Jenkins构建时候报错The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized while accessing 2019-11-21 23:20 −Jenkins构建时候报错信息如下: ERROR: Error fetching remote repo 'origin' hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from ...
Jenkins doesn't try to negociate authentication, it immediately returns a 403 (Forbidden) response instead of a 401 (Unauthorized) response. See: salimfadhley commented
Closed Failed to Deploy Artifacts:.. 401 Unauthorized when releasing plugin#3568 sairenchristianbueranoopened this issueMay 9, 2023· 8 comments Assignees Labels others Milestone infra-team-sync-2... Comments sairenchristianbuerano May 9, 2023 ...