鼠标悬停在构建记录的名称上,它的右边便会出现一个小三角,此时点击小三角会出现一个下拉列表, 如图示,我们选择Edit Build Information,修改构建信息, 我们随便填写一些内容作为演示 我填写的内容如上,然后点Save按钮保存修改.然后再点击左侧最上面Back To Project 回到构建记录列表.此时你会发现构建历史里这条记录不的...
进入构建任务页会出现上面的界面,大家的如果只有一个构建记录,可以点击左侧的"Build Now"来创建多个构建记录,我的界面是没有"Build now"的,大家不要介意,这是因为我的这个任务是一个定时任务,被关闭了,如果任务处于开启状态就会有"Build Now"选项了. 比如我现相要删除75号构建任务,这里我可以点击任务记录名称后面...
Entity-Specific Information Executive Business Administrators Finance GitLab Alliances Handbook GitLab Channel Partner Program GitLab Communication GitLab's Guide to Total Rewards Hiring & Talent Acquisition Handbook IT IT Enterprise Applications Labor and Employment Notices Leadership Legal ...
在构建处选择Trigger OpenShift Build,然后填入相关的选项 同时把jenkins用户加入访问命名空间的权限 oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:ci:jenkins -n s2i-tomcat 1. 手工触发立即构建后,触发s2i-tomcat项目的构建,同时把镜像更新到depolyment 3.pipeline流水线构建 建立一个pipeline文件 ericdeM...
By default, the project running Jenkins is monitored, but additional projects can be monitored by adding them to the Namespace list in the "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System" section for this plug-in. NOTE: the service account associated with the Jenkins deployment must have theeditrole fo...
SelectMerge before buildfrom the drop-down SetName of repositorytoorigin SetBranch to mergeas${gitlabTargetBranch} Pipeline jobs A Jenkins Pipeline bug will prevent the Git clone from working when you use a Pipeline script from SCM. It works if you use the Jenkins job config UI to edit the...
1:Jenkins管理 1:Jenkins的介绍与部署 Jenkins是一个自动化工具,目前发颤已经超过了15个年头了,是一款比较成熟的CI/CD工具,能够轻松实现自动化集成,发布,当我们建立好流水线之后期间无需专业人员的接入,开发人员随时可以发布配置 部分应用场景: 1:集成svc/git客户
我使用具有Selenium特性的Maven测试应用程序进行测试自动化,应用程序由Jenkins运行--我已经实现了一个包含AutoIt脚本的exe文件,该文件在windows资源管理器中自动选择文件(在被测试的应用程序中没有文件类型的输入),当手动执行时,exe运行良好(双击exe),预期的行为正在发生ControlFocus("Open","","Edit1") ControlSetText...
Pull build numbers from connected projects and automatically update the values in custom fields that store a build number. Add VCS change records to issues that are referenced in commit messages or branch names. To learn more about VCS changes in YouTrack issues, seeView and Edit VCS Changes....
Daryll Thompson-Jenkins Edit pageAdd to list Track Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News Credits 1 title Self(1 title) Getting the Builders in(2017) (TV Series)-Self - Build Team(10 episodes, 2017) Episode #1.14(十一月 16, 2017)Season 1, Episode 14-Self -...