This Tutorial Explains How to Download and Install Jenkins. You will Also Learn Steps for Running Jenkins as a Standalone Application, in Docker, as Windows Service, etc: In our previous tutorial, we have covered topics related to Agile development, Continuous Integration, typical setup of CI, ...
The latest copy of Java Development Kit or Java Runtime Environment installed Access to an account with administrator privileges Note:Check out our in-depthJenkins tutorialperfect for users who are just starting. Install Jenkins on Windows 1. Browse to theofficial Jenkins download page. Under theDo...
1.下载Jenkins安装包,地址,选择相应系统的安装包 2.下载完成后直接点击安装包,进行安装,都是默认下一步 3.安装完后会跳转到浏览器Jenkins登陆页面 4.如果安装完未跳转到登陆页面,而是出现如下页面,说明是端口号被占用,修改端口号即可 5.修改端口号方法,在cmd终端切换到Kenkins安装...
In this tutorial, we will show a step-by-step guide on how to install Jenkins on a Windows platform. Audience This document can be referred by anyone who wants to install the latest Jenkins version on Windows. Before proceeding further with the installation, make sure your system satisfies th...
Go through this complete Jenkins Tutorial for beginners. Learn installation, configuration, and creating pipelines from scratch to get started with Jenkins.
插件更新中心 - Jenkins 中文社区 共建开放、包容、活跃的 Jenkins 社区
详细开发插件流程的地址/display/JENKINS/Plugin+tutorial源码分析1、java源代码在目录src/main/java/com/jysong/jenkins下有文件。代码如下:public class HelloWorldBuilder extends Builder private final String name; / Fields in config.jelly must match th 15、e parameter names in the "...
到此一个简单的插件开发完成了,可以在此基础上进行更复杂的开发。详细开发插件流程的地址 源码分析 1、java源代码 在目录src/main/java/com/jysong/jenkins下有文件。代码如下: ...
1. 下载Maven 如下图: 图2 将安装包解压到任意地址,我的路径是D:\apache-maven-3.0.5 新建环境变量M2_HOME 指向D:\apache-maven-3.0.5 在path添加路径%M2_HOME%\bin 打开cmd 输入mvn –v, 如下图:
Step 2: Once you open the Jenkins download page, you will be prompted to select the platform you intend to download Jenkins. Click on Windows (or other options based on your system). For this Jenkins pipeline tutorial, we will be choosing Windows. Unzip the downloaded kit. Double-click the...