在已运行的Jenkins主页中,点击左侧的系统管理—>系统设置进入如下界面: ps:jenkins的根目录,默认地在C:\Documents and Settings\AAA\.hudson。 JDK、Maven、Ant配置(图为Windows环境) 配置一个JDK、Ant、Maven实例,请在每一节下面单击Add(新增) 按钮,这里将添加实例的名称和绝对地址。下图描述了这两个部分。
3、windows上安装jenkinshttps://www.jenkins.io/download/https://sg.mirror.servanamanaged.com/jenkins/windows/2.421/jenkins.msi二、安装扩展工具1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)" brew install nginx git brew insta...
In this tutorial, we will learn various ways of installing and running Jenkins. We will also see the steps for running Jenkins as a standalone application, as a windows service, running Jenkins in Docker, etc. =>Visit Here To See The Jenkins Training Series For All Table of Contents: Vide...
Use the following procedure to install Jenkins on Windows for theRational ClearCase-Jenkins integration: Download thejenkins.msiinstallation file for Jenkins LTS 2.332.xfor Windows fromhttps://get.jenkins.io/windows-stable/2.332.4/. After the download has completed, run thejenkins.msifile and procee...
Problem with the Jenkins download and deployment page, source file 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable is seen when the windows download links are clicked. URL: https://get.jenkins.io/windows/2.266/jenkins.msi Screenshots TODO: Add scree...
Install Jenkins on Windows 1. Browse to theofficial Jenkins download page. Under theDownloading Jenkinssection is a list of installers for the long-term support (LTS) version of Jenkins. Click theWindowslink to begin the download. 2. Once the download is complete, run thejenkins.msiinstallation...
2. Windows系统安装Jenkins 2.1 下载 1、访问Jenkins官网 https://jenkins.io/zh/download/ 下载Jenkins: 下载完成后的是一个msi格式的安装包: 2.2 安装 2、双击打开安装包: 3、自定义安装位置: 4、选择本地系统运行服务: ...
官方网址:https://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi 3.Jenkins 官方网址:http://Jenkins-ci.org/ http://mirrors.jenkins.io/war-stable/latest/jenkins.war 一、Windows环境中安装Jenkins 1.1 安装JDK 1、执行安装JDK 2、配置JAVA_HOME环境变量 1.2 安装Tomcat ...
Jenkins下载_windows安装jenkins 一、安装 官网地址:https://jenkins.io/zh/ 1、下载war包,放到tomcat——》webapps下,双击bin——》startup.bat启动 2、打开命令提示符。...在命令提示符下,浏览到 jenkins.war 文件存在的目录。...INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running 二、访问 一旦 Jenkins 已经启动并运...
Jenkins下载_windows安装jenkins 一、安装 官网地址:https://jenkins.io/zh/ 1、下载war包,放到tomcat——》webapps下,双击bin——》startup.bat启动 2、打开命令提示符。...在命令提示符下,浏览到 jenkins.war 文件存在的目录。...INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running 二、访问 一旦 Jenkins 已经启动并运...