Jenkins重置build序号 三、 常用工具cli 1) git Failed to connect to repository:Error performing command:git.exe ls-remote-h jenkins 从git拉取代码 jenkins 同时拉取多个git仓库(插件:multiple-scms) jenkins选择分支构建(插件:git Parameters) Jenkins持续集成:git commit 自动触发构建 2) 脚本 a)shell Shell...
Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 35,977 Commits .github .gitpod .idea .mvn bom cli core coverage docs src test war websocket .babelrc .editorconfig ...
下载Sonar-scanner:下载4.6.x版本即可,要求Linux版本 解压 配置sonarQube服务端地址,修改conf下的 #--- Default SonarQube
4.1、工具链部署 先下载一个 DevStream 的 CLI,参考这个文档。有了 dtm 之后,我们就该着手准备配置...
It's being used for controller <=> agent and controller <=> CLI communications. In general, this library contains the bootstrap code to bridge separate JVMs into a single semi-shared space. It includes: TCP-based communication protocols, data serialization, Java classloading. The library is ...
cli [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1年前 core [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1年前 coverage [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1年前 docs Update release chat room URL (#8348) ...
首先,打开终端,安装 fir-clifir 的命令行工具,用于通过命令行上传安装包。 需要先装好 ruby 再执行 gem install fir-cli 1. 上传打 fir 命令 fir publish ${ipa_path} -T fir_token -c "${commit_msg}" 1. echo ">>>开始上传到 fir" if [$BUILDTYPE == "Debug" ]; then fir publis...
如下图所示,如果环境变量GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT不存在,或者GIT_COMMIT和GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT不同,才会执行构建 上图中脚本如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/bashif[!$GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT];then echo"GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT is not exists."exit0elseecho"GIT_COMMIT=[...
FROM run apk add --no-cache git docker-cli RUN yarn config set registry "" 2.配置 Docker 客户端连接远程的 Docker 服务端:使用一个环境变量就可以实现这个配置。 代码语言:javascript 复制 env: - name: DOCKER_HOST value: tcp://docker.example...
上面那张图,首先是这样的,开发将代码推送到git仓库中,通过commit提交上去,然后再到jenkins了,它负责的任务就是checkout代码的拉取,code compile代码的编译,docker build &push ,镜像的构建与推送到harbor仓库中,然后deploy,将应用部署到k8s中,这里呢由于可能是很多的微服务,那么我们就需要模版的代替,去发布微服务,这里...