{ "_class": "hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom", "actions": [], "busyExecutors": 0, "clouds": [], "description": null, "idleExecutors": 2, "loadStatistics": { "_class": "hudson.model.Label$1" }, "name": "master", "nodes": [ { "_class": "hudson.model.Hudson", "nodeName"...
TCP port for inbound agents(Agent 端口): ( 内部为 50000,若是在集群中使用则需要将nodePort端口改成,可通过转发的形式 因为K8S默认nodePort范围在 30000-32767 之中) 温馨提示: 我们需要修改 Jenkins Agent 端口 可以访问 Dashboard 全局安全配置 -> 代理 (TCP port for inbou...
executorsThe number of executors to assign to each agent. Must be an even number, divisible by two.int4no extra_agent_userdataExtra agent user-data to add to the default built-in. Created from a template outside of the module.stringemptyno ...
Step 4 − We need to specify the location of files which need to be built. In this example, we will assume that a local git repository(E:\Program) has been setup which contains a ‘HelloWorld.java’ file. Hence scroll down and click on the Git option and enter the URL of the ...
不直接使用Jenkins类型/对象,而是通过从From Jenkins, how do I get a list of the currently running...
{ "_class": "hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom", "actions": [], "busyExecutors": 0, "clouds": [], "description": null, "idleExecutors": 2, "loadStatistics": { "_class": "hudson.model.Label$1" }, "name": "master", "nodes": [ { "_class": "hudson.model.Hudson", "nodeName"...
{ "_class": "hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom", "actions": [], "busyExecutors": 0, "clouds": [], "description": null, "idleExecutors": 2, "loadStatistics": { "_class": "hudson.model.Label$1" }, "name": "master", "nodes": [ { "_class": "hudson.model.Hudson", "nodeName"...
message : -1 cause-exception : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException cause-message : -1 class : hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor required-type : hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor converter-type : hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter ...