在jenkins界面,依次点击: Credentials -> System -> Add domain: Domain Name: 填写你git服务器的地址,如 github.xxx.com Description: 随便写一点描述,如 This is the Credential for github 2.Add Credentials 进入页面后,可以选择 Username with password 或者 SSH Username with private key, 根据你的情况选择...
~~~ # 步骤2:在jenkins界面,依次点击: Credentials -> System -> Add domain: ~~~ Domain Name: 填写你git服务器的地址,如 github.xxx.com(wing填写的IP地址, ~~~ Description: 随便写一点描述,如 This is the Credential for github 1. 2. 3. 4. ~~~ # 构建流程 ~~~ ——>凭证配置...
在jenkins界面,依次点击: Credentials -> System -> Add domain: Domain Name: 填写你git服务器的地址,如 github.xxx.com Description: 随便写一点描述,如 This is the Credential for github 点击ok 后,在点击 “adding some credentials?” 进入页面后,可以选择 Username with password 或者 SSH Username with ...
在这里设置的credentials在jenkins的其他需要credentials的地方,可以通过下拉菜单选择使用,比如添加slave时,可以直接在Credentials下拉菜单里选择对应的credential就行: 还有git clone代码时: 此时一定要把在master上生成的 public key添加到github账号的的Profile setting页面里的SSH Keys Settings中。 2、通过JNLP连接node 将...
10.源码管理:选择git---repository url(github上---项目---Clone or download)---credential(添加一个github读写权限的账号:Kind选择Username with password)---源码库浏览---选择githubweb---URL输入git上项目网址 11.构建触发器:选择GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling ...
Credential classes to access Kubernetes clusters. Contribute to jenkinsci/kubernetes-credentials-plugin development by creating an account on GitHub.
Click the 'Add' button to add a credential, choose 'GitLab API token' as the kind of credential, and paste your GitLab user's API key into the 'API token' field Click the 'Test Connection' button; it should succeed Jenkins Job Configuration ...
secretTextVault = new VaultTokenCredential(CredentialsScope.GLOBAL, "vault_token", "vault_token", Secret.fromString(fileContentsVaultToken)); store.addCredentials(domain, secretTextGithub) store.addCredentials(domain, secretUserPassGithub) store.addCredentials(domain, secretTextVault) ...
Usethisnodeasmuchaspossible*Launch Method*:Launch agents viaSSH*Host*:jenkins_agent # Agent's Hostname orIPto connect.(docker-compose service nameifcontroller and agent is on the same machine)*Credentials*:Select the Credential createdinStep2*HostKeyVerificationStrategy*:Non verifying Verification ...
FROM docker.io/node:alpine run apk add --no-cache git docker-cli RUN yarn config set registry "https://registry.npmmirror.com" 2.配置 Docker 客户端连接远程的 Docker 服务端:使用一个环境变量就可以实现这个配置。 代码语言:javascript 复制 env: - name: DOCKER_HOST value: tcp://docker.example...