PERANCANGAN OTOMATIS PERHITUNGAN EARNED VALUE PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN BAHASA PEMROGRAMAN C# Earned Value Analysis is one of the methods used in project control to integrate costs and time. Earned Value Analysis is calculated using the C# programming language assistance tool to implemen...
Metode analisis sistem yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall dengan langkah-langkah, (1) Perencanaan, (2) Analisis, (3) Perancangan, (4) Implementasi, (5) Pemeliharaan. Pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dengan Database MySql yang menghasilkan ...
The purpose of this research was describing the distribution ofrat species habitat based on the type of commodity markets in the Banjarnegara City Market. The researchmethod was a survey with cross-sectional approach, the whole population was rats in City Market and samplewas trapped rats in ...
Mr. Mudjijana designed huller screw model, which provide more contact surface between the screw and the housing but more gentle in forcing the hull to get off the beans. Thismodel proved to provide better separation and consequently reduce loss from broken beans. The model prototype was filed ...
Perancangan Modular Indoor Booth untuk Produk Pakaian, Sepatu dan Makanan Modular indoor booth design is an inovation on product display system for the interior of exhibition space. The aim of this booth design is to facilitate the exhibition's organizer in setting up and disassembling the booth...