Based on the above, the issues examined in this study is the locution of speech acts, illocution and perlocution in a Friday khotbah by Egyptian native speakers Syeikh Sa'i>d Ruslan with the theme Baina As}-S}u>rah wa Al-H}aqi>qah' between picture and reality, on April 25, 2008 in...
Siti MaryamI N. SukartaUdayana UniversityBumi LestariSastrawidana, I D. K., Maryam, S., Sukarta, I. N. 2012. Perombakan Air Limbah Tekstil Menggunakan Jamur Pendegradasi Kayu Jenis Polyporus Sp Teramobil Pada Serbuk Gergaji Kayu. Jurnal Bumi Lestari, Volume 12 No. 2, hlm. 382 - ...
NOVEL LALITA KARYA AYU UTAMI (KAJIAN PSIKOLOGI SASTRA DAN NILAI PENDIDIKAN) This research explains and describes the correlation of intrinsic elements in Lalita novel, psychological aspect of character, and the emergence of various education values in Lalita novel. This research is a qualitative study...