Thus, a sealing material which has heretofore been necessary at the superposed parts of the plate 2 and the plate 5 is eliminated to reduce its cost and to improve its assembling operability.;COPYRIGHT: (C)2000,JPOMASAKI KOYAMAMITSUO NAKANUMA...
BooleanNilaibenaratausalah. Boleh digunakan secara langsung dalamIf,Filterdan fungsi lain tanpa perbandingan.benar WarnaSpesifikasi warna, termasuk saluran alfa.Color.Red ColorValue( "#102030" ) RGBA( 255, 128, 0, 0.5 ) Mata WangNilai mata wang yang disimpan dalam nombor titik apungan. Nilai ...
Kajian Pemanfaatan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Untuk Klasifikasi Jenis Tanaman Pertanian Pada Foto Udara Format Kacil 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 作者: IB Harintaka 摘要: Generally, conventional supervised parameter classification methods show low performance if applied to high spatial resolution ...
我不爱看大男主文,但我看了斗罗,我get到了那种爽点,神秘身世为爱成长,热血七人共创历史。剧组很用心,后期特效制作的很不错,没有丝毫的廉价感,很多细节的更改,也符合人物角色和故事设定。(1 有用) 非自然死亡 / アンナチュラル/ 不自然死因研究所(港) / 法医女王(台)[可播放]...
KAJIAN TINGKAT KETELITIAN FOTO UDARA DAN CITRA IKONOS UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI JENIS PENGGUNAAN LAHANThe application of aerial photographs and IKONOS image for identification of landuse data in a part of Umbulharjosubdistrict, that was at Sorosutan and Giwangan. The objectives of the research are to ...