Selain itu, soto Bangkong merupakan soto ayam kampung khas Semarang. 2. Kue Leker Kue Leker Paimo berada di depan SMA Kolese Loyola, tepatnya di Jalan Karang Anyar No 37, Brumbungan. Tempat makan enak di Semarang yang satu ini hanya berupa gerobak dengan tenda kaki lima dan bangku-bangku...
Data collected consist of the diameters and lengths of wood used in railroad construction in swamp forests of ten forest companies in Sumatera, and six in Kalimantan. Railroads in the swamp forests are different in construction compared to those in the teak forests, generally requiring four layers...
Respons Ayam Kampung terhadap Penambahan Kalsium Asal Siput (Lymnae Sp) dan Kerang (Corbiculla molktiana) pada Kondisi Ransum Miskin Fosfor The objectives of this present investigation were to evaluate effects of using shell of freshwater snail as major source of calcium in the diets on perform...