The beloved 1980s cartoon series "Jem and the Holograms" gets amillennial makeover in the live...Walsh, Katie
Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue Cathy Specials, The Cavalcade of Stars Celanese Theatre Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes Celebrity Fit Club Celebrity Game, The Celebrity Time Centennial Center Stage: Cyd Charisse Central Park West Champs Chance of a Lifetime Channel One News Charade Quiz Charles Gr...
took downon Friday and remained number one at the box office in its first weekend. The adaptation ofR.L. Stine’s best-selling book series took in an estimated $23.5 million. The film received an ‘A’ from CinemaScore audiences, so maybe word of mouth will guarantee its success and cover...
The 5 Most Truly, Truly, Truly Outrageous Episodes & Songs From ‘Jem & The Holograms’ Cartoon Series Kristy Puchko 10/23/2015 Marvel Productions/Hasbro Trending on Billboard With the live-action reboot Jem and the Holograms now in theaters, it’s a good time to look back at the ...
Hasbro and Sunbow Productions — the same collaborators responsible for the high-testosteroneG.I. JoeandTransformerscartoons —Jemran from 1985 to 1988, offering girls a radiant rock star whose life was full of the glamour, glitter, fashion and fame promised in the series’ first theme song: “...