Today’s post takes a look at the 1980s cartoon series “Jem and the Holograms.”The seriescenters around the adventures of a rock group called the Holograms. “Jem” aired in first-run syndication from 1985 to 1988. The show was co-created by Hasbro andChristy Marx. While “Jem” was...
From The Beets in 'Doug' to The Misfits in 'Jem and the Holograms,' these cartoon bands and artists really rock out! By Dani Herd Apr 3, 2022 ‘The Martian’ Returns to Top the Box Office in Fourth Frame Box Office The Fox hit overcomes ‘Goosebumps’ and four new releases to ...
Jem: Dimensions brings both new and beloved creators to the world of The Holograms! In a story by Kate Leth and Tana Ford, the Holograms throw a Dungeons and Dragons game night with Jerrica as the Dungeon Master, and even Synergy joins the fun! And in Sophie Campbell's story, th...
The beloved 1980s cartoon series "Jem and the Holograms" gets amillennial makeover in the live...Walsh, Katie
With the live-action reboot Jem and the Holograms now in theaters, it’s a good time to look back at the cartoon that launched countless tween rock n’ roll fantasies during the golden age of MTV.Produced by Marvel Productions, Hasbro and Sunbow Productions — the same collaborators ...
Jem and the Holograms, the 1980s Hasbro toyline that was also a cartoon, is getting the big-screen treatment. Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions,Scooter BraunProductions and directorJon M. Chuare teaming up to make the movie, which has been fast-tracked to start production this spring. ...
Still, there are few gems to be found inJem and the Holograms. Its rags-to-riches viral star is afarmore appealing role model than, say, a rebellious Cyrus or Bieber real-life counterpart. And her film does pack some nice statements about standing by loved ones and making familial sacrific...
Gold Derby ‘Moana 2’ Director Dana Ledoux Miller Was Shopping at Target While Her Movie Broke Box Office Records 12/7/2024 by Mia Galuppo The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Blumhouse Productions The Universal Horror Classic That Blumhouse Isn't Interesting In Remaking ...
It’s hard to imagine a more perfect metaphor for the state of modern pop music than ‘Jem and the Holograms’. Taking the basic structure and post-punk iconography of the ’80s cartoon series about a globetrotting girl-band, the film proceeds to discard anything that might be genuinely inte...
her alter ego and the lead singer of Jem and The Holograms to save her father's company: Starlight Music. This popular cartoon series chronicles this band's adventures as well as their arch rivals The Misfits and their friends The Stingers. The music of these three groups is definately the...