Jellyfish (primarily scyphomedusae) fisheries have a long history in Asia, where jellyfish have been caught and processed as food for centuries. More recen
Adults spawn, releasing a huge quantity of eggs and sperm into the water. The fertilised eggs sink to the ocean depths before hatching a small polyp, which can then clone itself. When vast numbers of jellyfish mass together it is known as a "bloom". In the past these would happen at r...
JELLYFISHThe secret lives of Long regarded as minor players in ocean ecology, jellyfish are actually important parts of the marine food web. BY GARRY HAMILTON Jennifer Purcell watches intently as the boom of the research ship Skookum slowly eases a 3-metre-long plankton net out of Puget Sound...
Other entrepreneurial uses abound for the RoboJelly. “The robots could be used to study aquatic life, map ocean floors, monitor ocean currents, monitor water quality, [or to] monitor sharks,” said Alex Villanueva of St-Jacques, New-Brunswick, Canada, a doctoral student in mechanical engineeri...
Though R. esculentum podocysts could survive extreme environmental conditions such as hypoxia and low salinity, excystment rates were markedly reduced compared to those of other bloom jellyfish species when the DO and salinity levels were returned to normal....
0.66 and 0.044 kPa–1, respectively. The complementary highly sensitive sensing ranges of the electronic skin realize a reliable perception to different levels of pressure, and its mechanically robust and stretchable properties may find a wide range of applications in intelligent robots....
those from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico have been separated for longer periods of time; therefore, populations from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico would bear greater morphological similarity to each other than to those of other regions due to higher levels of underlying genetic rela...
Sweetman began to periodically lower a camera rig 400 metres to the bottom of Lurefjorden in southwestern Norway to track the fate of this fjord's dense population of jellyfish6. Previous observations from elsewhere had suggested that dead jellies pile up and rot, lowering oxygen levels and cr...
Concern of pelagic gelatinous organisms taking over perturbed marine ecosystems has led to a recent increase in research into this group. However, the sign
The relative lack of marine venom could be attributed to the difficulty in dealing with venomous marine animals. Moreover, the venom of marine animals consists of various bioactive molecules, many of which are proteins with unique properties. In this study, we investigated the potential toxic prote...