The jellyfish haircut is a new spin on the mullet. The hair is cut in two distinct layers—the first one is a 360-degree chin-length bob, while the second layer is extremely straight and much longer. The two layers look like the sea creature the hairstyle is named after. The second...
the stomach and then carried along 8 straight (ad)radial canals, along the ring canal, and back to the stomach along the branched radial canals. Outward currents generated by tiny beating hairs on the oral arms, carry the waste out through the mouth, as inward currents bring more food ...
Statolith, a small, stone-like object that rests on the bristles of sensory cells (hair cells), is crucial for jellyfish movement and orientation8. Scanning electron microscopy of the tentacle bulbs ofT. rubraand the rhopalia ofA. coerulearevealed that in the former, sensory areas were charac...