We found vinegar,sodium bicarbonate, Sting Aid or meat tenderiser have no proven benefit and may cause irritation or infection. Perhaps not surprisingly, there were no published trials looking at the effectiveness of urine as atreatmentand so it's not recommended. Prevention is best Remember, pre...
If you have a jellyfish sting, you may be tempted to pee on it to alleviate the sting. However, it's not recommended to do so despite the common belief that urine will ease the pain and heal the sting faster. Research has found that peeing on a jellyfish sting does not work and mi...
The type of jellyfish most seen on the shores of North America and Europe is the Moon jellyfish. This type of jellyfish is typically blue or pink and is found in waters approximately 20 feet (6 meters) deep. Its sting is usually mild, but can leave an itchy, red rash.[1] Even a ...
Treatment of stings:When stung by a jellyfish, first aid may be in order. Though most jellyfish stings are not deadly, other stings, such as those perpetrated by the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) — the most venomous marine creature and possibly the most venomous of any creature on e...
▸JELLYFISH STINGS (ALSO FIRE CORAL, HYDROIDS, AND ANEMONES) These creatures sting with a variation of the microscopic stinging cell, the nematocyst, which is stimulated to fire its venom-bearing injector into the victim by physical contact,hypotonicity, or chemical stimulation. An encounter wit...
Does urine cure jellyfish sting? Unfortunately, in the real world treating a jellyfish sting by urinating on it may actually cause someone in Monica's situation even more pain, rather than relief.Urine can actually aggravate the jellyfish's stingersinto releasing more venom. This cure is, inde...
Does peeing on a jellyfish sting actually help anything, or is this “treatment” just another old wives’ tale?
respiratory paralysis, drowning, andcardiovascular collapse.7,11The sting of the Portuguese man-of-war (Figure 42-2) is more painful than that of a common jellyfish sting and has been responsible for two reported deaths. The toxins in the venom have been found to induce a calcium flux into...
Or get someone else to? That’s what you’ve seen on TV—maybe you’re thinking of acertain incident from Friends. But don’t pull those board shorts off too quickly—urinecan do a lot of things, but it doesn’t help the sting. It may actually make it worse. ...
♦ Some claim urine on a jellyfish sting will neutralize it’s effects. Neuroscientists say urine is ineffective for this purpose. ♦ The uncoiling of the jellyfish’s small stingers is one of the single most fast actions in nature. Stingers actually come out faster than a bullet out of...