The door has, of course, as much to do with domestic architecture as the china in The Country Wife has to do with household ornaments, Sir Willoughby Patterne's leg with walking or Mme Bovary's carriage-ride with sight-seeing in Rouen. So laden with sexual significance is it, in fact,...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Directed by Victor Fleming. With Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman, Lana Turner, Donald Crisp. Dr. Jekyll allows his dark side to run wild after he drinks a potion that turns him into the evil Mr. Hyde.
TheDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydequotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Hyde or refer to Mr. Hyde. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ...
The name Edward Hyde is familiar to Utterson. Hyde is named as the sole heir to the fortune of his client and friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll. Utterson also knows that the door is a back entryway into Jekyll's home. Hyde has a key to Jekyll's home and can come and go through the ...
About a week has passed.I have used the last of the old chemicals,and for the moment I am Henry Jekyll again.But I cannot write much more-I have very little time.If Hyde returns while I am writing this confession,he will tear it to pieces to annoy me.If I finish it,however,he wi...
所属专辑:化身博士.Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde 音频列表 1 18 118 2015-12 2 01+The+mysterious+door 177 2015-12 3 02+In+search+of+Mr+Hyde 93 2015-12 4 03+The+Carew+murder 126 2015-12 5 04+Doctor+Jekyll+receives+a+letter 97 2015-12 ...
所属专辑:Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 化身博士 音频列表 1 5 The death of a friend (2) 18 2018-02 2 5 The death of a friend (1) 12 2018-02 3 4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter (1) 14 2018-02 4 3 The Carew murder (2) 17
About a week has passed.I have used the last of the old chemicals,and for the moment I am Henry Jekyll again.But I cannot write much more-I have very little time.If Hyde returns while I am writing this confession,he will tear it to pieces to annoy me.If I finish it,however,he wi...
1.The mysterious door 2018-02-03 14:06:2315:41 24 所属专辑:Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 1.The mysterious door 242018-02 2 王燕_s25 2018年2月3日 13:43 82018-02 查看更多...