The correct jejunal position was documented by the application of a radiopaque contrast medium through the tube. 通过导管注入造影剂以标记正确的空肠位置。 3. EN by the jejunal route does not stimulate pancreatic secretions and is safe. 经空肠肠内营养不刺激胰腺分泌,是安全可行的。
jejunal是什么意思 音标: 英 [dʒɪ'dʒu:nl] 美 [dʒɪ'dʒu:nl] [医] 空肠的 a. Pertaining to the jejunum. jejunal的用法和例句: 1.Your jejune antics are sadly not surprising, so I came prepared. 你幼稚滑稽的行为一点也不令我惊讶 我是有备而来的...
读音:英[] 美[] jejunal 基本解释 [医] 空肠的 词组短语 1、jejunalartery [网络] 空肠动脉 2、jejunaldumping [医] 空肠倾泻 3、jejunalsyndrome [医] 倾倒综合征 4、jejunalulcer [医] 空肠溃疡 5、jejunalbypass [医]空肠改道术,空肠回肠改道术
jejunal adj. 空肠的 jejunojejunostomy 空肠空肠吻合术 gastrojejunostomy 胃空肠吻合术 jejunectomy 空肠切除术 jejunorrhaphy 空肠缝合术; 空肠缝术 limejuicer n. 英国海军,英国船,新来的英国人 prejudge vt. 预先判断,未充分审问就判决,仓促决定 prejudiced adj. ~ (against sb/sth) 有偏见的;有...
jejunal Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to jejunal:Jejunal atresia Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: je·ju·nal a.yeyunal, rel. al yeyuno. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
The ileal brake--inhibition of jejunal motility after ileal fat perfusion in man. Dietary glutamine supplementation prevents jejunal atrophy in weaned pigs. Effect of duodenal-jejunal exclusion in a non-obese animal model of type 2 diabetes: a new perspective for an old disease. ...
1.Abstract:Objective:To explore the relationship between clinical result and the length of jejunal segment for cholangiojejunostomy. 探索胆肠吻合术中肠与临床效果之间的关系。 2.The findings in asymptomatic control group included 2 cases of ileal polyp (2.50%), 2 cases of angiodysplasia (2.50%),...
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromjejunal arteries) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia ar·ter·y (är′tə-rē)·ter·ies 1.AnatomyAny of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and org...
2020 On her Instagram Story Friday, Perri, who was in her third trimester, said that her baby on the way would have needed to undergo surgery immediately after birth as the child had a birth defect known as jejunal atresia. Chelsea White,, 24 Nov. 2020 ...