Can I include JEI in my mod pack? Of course! Can JEI run client-only, or with a vanilla server? Yes, with some features disabled: The "Move items into crafting area" [+] buttons. Cheating in items that have lots of NBT data. ...
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up for stability and performance. Basic Controls: Inventory: (Minecraft Options -> Controls) ShowRecipes:Hover over item + R ShowUses:Hover over item + U Toggle Item ListOverlay:Control + O Item List: Show RecipesC...
[JEI]JEI物品管理器 (Just Enough Items) 2.连锁采矿/矿脉矿工(Vein Miner) 连锁采矿是一个极为便捷的辅助mod 功能: 只要按住~键(默认是这样的,当然可以调成你想要的热键) 然后用指定的工具挖指定的方块就可以一下挖超...
[JEI] Just Enough Items —— JEI物品管理器支持版本:Forge 1.8 ~ 1.20.4、NeoForge 1.20.4、Fabric 1.18.2 ~ 1.20.4作者:mezz官方Wiki:百科:下载: Terralith是一个数据包(打包为Fabric和Forge的mod),旨在通过新的生物群落和洞穴从根本上彻底改变世界。它在不添加任何新块的情况下实现了这一点,使其与普通客户端完全兼容 。 《我的世界》1.18为世界一代带来了巨大的变革。Terralith 2.0进行了大修,并将...
我的世界1.14.2 Just Enough Items(JEI)物品管理器MOD是一款使用量很高的MOD,并且给Minecraft游戏增加...
I have identified the Mod Conflict. JEI is not working with Project_MMO-1.18.1-3.69.9 Owner mezz commented Mar 28, 2022 Thanks! I think this is happening because you are running out of memory, you need to allocate more mem...
Downloads will be available over at CurseForgeAbout A JEI addon that adds profession workstations Topics minecraft forge minecraft-mod forge-mod minecraft-forge-mod jei-addon Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars ...
下载源的推荐排序如下: (1)作者的官网 (2)curseforge (3)mcbbs(百度网 225 minecraft吧 夕若向🎀东流 回归玩家 网易版和朋友联机我朋友工作台一直跳出合成表怎么解决 是不是JEImod的问题 1113 我的世界吧 奈亚子亚奈✨ 求助JEI无法显示炼药台的合成表版本1.18.2,fabric, 如图,JEI能正常显示其他合成配方,但...