My latest novel,Velvet Was the Night, is a noir set in the Mexico City of the 1970s. This is a changing world, beset by political and social turmoil, and a space where different forces are violently clashing. To me, it seemed like the perfect decade for a noir, but when I told peo...
Congressman Henry Waxman Merrell Williams Ms. Patty Young 1997 Public Service Award Oncology Nursing Society Shared with: Dr. D. Kessler, FDA Commissioner Fullbright Memorial Fellow, Japanese Studies Nomination by Jefferson County Public School Board Louisville, KY 1996 Sallie Mae First Class Teacher of...
Dammam Sports City Dammam Stadium Dan August Dan Beckerman Dan Flynn Dan Friedkin Dan Gilbert Dan Harris Dan Levy Dan Lowe Dan Meis Dan Palmer Dan Smith Dan Williams Daniel Carciug Daniel Gidney Daniel Haddad Daniel Levy Daniel Libeskind Daniel Nolte Daniel Rodriguez Daniel Snyder Daniel Williams ...
Last year B&W hired the Whitewater special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, to represent the company in its fight to prevent dissemination of the Merrell Williams documents. Recently a top White House official called the hiring of Kenneth Starr “a travesty” because of the possible conflict of interest...
Merrell Williams, a Faulknerian personality with a doctorate in drama. "My perspective was like night and day," Wigand told me. "It was like being aware and not being aware. You look back on things that happened when you were present and you say, �Hell, they knew about that all ...
A study of the normal length pattern of metatarsal bones at the metatarso-phalangeal joints, based on 279 radiographs and reported in Clinical Foot Roentgenology, by Gamble & Yale, Williams & Wilkins Publishers, Baltimore, 1966, disclosed that the relative spacing of those joints approximate an ...