#Jeffree Star Cosmetics ORGY系列# 我的评分:#美妆新品速递# 之Beauty说新品 jeffree star最近即将推出Pink Religion 系列彩妆,整个系列以粉色为主色调,产品包括了眼影、高光、口红、唇膏、喷雾和五款配饰,堪称芭比全套梦幻彩妆话说以前我最不喜欢的就是粉色,没想到现在真香了,粉色yyds!! Pink Religion 18色眼影盘 ...
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub Spearmint Review: Hey guys, I am a huge fan of Jeffree’s lip scrubs. I mean, honestly, the best smelling (tasting ) lip scrubs ever! Today I am taking about the spearmint velour lip scrub by Jeffree Star Cosmetics. This is one of their bestseller of all...
I like that most of the eyeshadow shades from the Jeffree Star Beauty Killer Palette were easy to work with except for Ritch Bitch, a metallic finish with a chunky texture. I, however, was able to work with it by spritzing someE.l.f. Studio Makeup Mist & Set. In addition to the Jef...
Specifications: Number of Pieces: One Unit Benefit: Easy to Wear, Natural, Waterproof / Water-Resistant, Brighten, Long-lasting Quantity: 1palette NET WT: 6.3g Finish: Matte Single color/multi-color: Five colors Features: |Jeffree Star Cosmetics 18 Color Palette Stores|Jeffree Star Cosmetics 30...
STAR LOUNGE PETS Account Cart Search Home• Magic Star™ Concealer Magic Star™ Concealer Our unique creamy, high coverage liquid concealer formula helps even out skin tone and has Increased wear time and a self-setting effect keeps you looking flawless for hours!$...
Jeffree Star Cosmetics | Beauty Killer 期待已久的眼影盘 完全满意[心] 他们家在欧美的火爆度堪比Kylie 幸好货足不用抢 哑光、带闪和偏光全都包括了 粉质跟Colourpop神似 细软讨喜非常非常显色 而且颜色看起...
新品天蝎座♏J姐首次发布生日作系列同时也迎来Jeffreestar cosmetics第九个生日!大家都看这次新作介绍了吗?产品现已发售,眼影盘、液体眼影、口红、唇油、菜刀美妆镜、爱犬Diva美妆镜、牦牛玩偶等你~ #美妆 #jeff - JEFFREE STAR于20231108发布在抖音,已经收获了33.
But after Jenner released her comments, Star had more to say. "How ironic that it took ME giving an honest review, which got worldwide attention, to get Kylie Cosmetics to make a statement," he tweeted. "I'm just glad they're finally addressing the issue and fixing it, that's all ...
Created by Jeffree Star. Highly Pigmented Makeup and High-Performance Skincare with Powerful Ingredients. Shop Bestsellers, Limited Edition Products and Viral Beauty Favorites.
J姐又来抢钱了!Je..J姐这次出的新品遮瑕一共有30个色号,各种肤色都能找到适合自己的色号,为J姐鼓掌! 官方说这款遮瑕是无香料、防腐剂的,添加了抗衰老成分,这一点真的很棒。从使用感来说,这款遮瑕的质地非常轻薄,但是遮盖