Jeffree Star的裸色“名人皮Celebrity Skin”做眼影也是出乎意料的好看!眼唇使用的都是这支液体唇釉。太喜欢了!Beautylish仅售18美金,满100美金免运费直邮中国: credit megfeather
JEFFREE STAR 品名 哑光唇釉 产地 美国 颜色分类 现货,Celebrity Skin,在途,Mannequin,现货,Dominatrix,现货,Christmas Cookie,需要预定其他色号拍下备注~,下单须知!!!,现货,Calabasas 功效 持久,修饰肤色,不易脱色,易上色,提升气色,自然立体 规格类型 正常规格 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 就爱一...
Jeffree Star Cosmetics The Mini Velour Liquid Lipstick Nudes Volume One at BEAUTY BAY. A collection of mini nude liquid lipsticks.
旋开口红盖,将口红涂抹于双唇。推荐先使用Jeffree Star 【Lip Scrub Jeffree Star 唇部磨砂】( 为双唇去角质,最大化顺滑触感。 其他信息 规格:0.12盎司 纯素 无动物实验 ...
色号: Celebrity Skin I got celebrity skin and naked body. I adire both. Packaging Is very luxurious, great magnetic shut cap. Feels high quality. Love the feel of the lipstick on the lips, feels just like velvet. Star logo on the lipstick itself is super cute. I'll for sure be bu...
Jeffree accuses Kylie of over-charging for her Lip Kits In an interview with Racked, Jeffree held nothing back. On her liquid lipstick formula, he said: "She found a lab that makes a $5 formula and they're called ColourPop. They gave her the same exact one with her name on it and ...
旋开口红盖,将口红涂抹于双唇。推荐先使用Jeffree Star【Lip Scrub Jeffree Star 唇部磨砂】(为双唇去角质,最大化顺滑触感。 其他信息 规格:0.12盎司 纯素 无动物实验