Jefferson County Elections Mission Statement As election professionals in the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office, we will ensure the integrity of the electoral process, establish and enhance public confidence, encourage citizen participation through voter training and education, and develop professional election...
2 Jefferson County Fire Districts Hold ElectionsVoters in two fire protection districts in Jefferson County will be electing directors in Tuesday's local elections.U.S. NewspapersSt Louis PostDispatch (MO)
Candidates with Experience Leading Jefferson County Seek Executive Post; ELECTIONSJEFFERSON COUNTY * Two men with experience leading the county arevying for county executive on...Thorsen, Leah
United States Gubernatorial Elections, 1912–1931: The Official Results by State and County Michael J. Dubin. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.This major reference work provides complete returns for the gubernatorial elections by state and county for the period 1776 to 1860, information nowhere else...