In Jefferson County, 36% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 32% tested at or above that level for math.Mount Horeb Elementary School did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Tennessee, 34% of ...
It is dereliction of duty for a member of our school board to give in to these demands and try to overturn a popular and recent JCPS Board decision simply because dark-money funded domestic terrorists (the same folks who have been storming board meetings, not just in Jefferson County, but ...
With today’s card, I am making the start of trying to be more aware of the difficult jobs that they do, perhaps more mentally and emotionally difficult than physical, by sending this card to the staff at a long-term care facility. I think I will also include a check to cover the co...
Then just before the start of mandatory mini camp, O’Connell welcomes him with open arms after the Vikings and Jefferson agreed to a four-year, $140 million contract that made him the highest-paid non-quarterback in NFL history. Entering his fifth season with the Vikings, Jefferson has ...
"We just have to wait our turn," she said. The Tarrant County district attorney's spokeswoman was out of the office Tuesday and did not return CNN's call seeking an update. The question the siblings keep asking, though, is: Why is this dragging out? It's so clear-cut, so...
opened their packages made with such love. These things were my salvation. They reminded me of who I was before I came to this far away land. I didn’t realize just how much of myself was lost day by day. We are too busy staying alive and doing our jobs to think about much of ...