The Jefferson County Health Department supports Jefferson County's economic prosperity and quality of life by promoting, protecting and providing for the health of Jefferson County residents.
The holidays are a great opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends, to celebrate life, to be grateful, and to reflect on what’s important. They are also a time to appreciate – and safeguard – the gift of health. “The holiday season is a time to reflect on family and friend...
Services, Kentucky Dept for Human
Meet the Oneida County Sheriff's Office K9 Offiers K9 Bois a 3 1/2 year old German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP), and has been with the Sheriff's Office for almost 2 years. K9 Bo is Certified in Narcotic detection, and to detect various illicit substances, including Heroin, Cocaine, Methamph...
and Boone. Survey by the buyer required for exact location. Look for real estate sign to identify. Lot needs well and septic. Jason at Ashe County Health Dept. said small lots like this one in Blue Ridge Manor can be perked but buyer needs to have him check it first. Each lot is dif...