Jefferson County, Colorado slashes staff and hours.EBSCO_AspLibrary Journal
LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4)- The calls for more state action to try and limit the spread of COVID-19 grew louder on Thursday as the Jefferson County Board of Public Healthwrote a letter to Gov. Jared Polisasking for a more serious approach. A recent drastic rise in deaths has concerned hea...
Jefferson County Public Health has filed a lawsuit against three schools after it determined they violated a COVID-19 public health order and will not follow mask mandates.
Your source for plant information about the Courage Garden in Jefferson County Colorado. Find plant descriptions, pictures, and more...
Preventing deferred maintenance: here's what administrators at Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, Ky., are doing to prevent deferred maintenanc... Discusses the implementation of foreign language education program in the school district R-1 in Jefferson County, Colorado. Description of the...
Menten said she will continue to protect Jefferson County taxpayers if elected. Menten: Jeffco commissioners want voters to hand them a blank check Natalie MentenJuly 18, 2022 A pile of federal money still didn’t calm down the Jefferson county Commissioners’ quest to get rid of our Taxpayer...
Your source for plant information about the Courage Garden in Jefferson County Colorado. Find plant descriptions, pictures, and more...
Your source for plant information about the Courage Garden in Jefferson County Colorado. Find plant descriptions, pictures, and more...
This qualitative study explored perceptions of community-based advocates in Jefferson County, Colorado and their experience assisting victims of intimate partner violence against women. Open-ended interview questionnaires were collected from community-based advocates and used to derive the perceptions community...
#176 in Colorado High Schools #84 in Denver, CO Metro Area High Schools #20 in Jefferson County School District No. R-1 High Schools 47.16 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam51% Passed at Least One AP® Exam29% Mathematics Proficiency9% Reading Profi...