Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I funds provides occupational skills training, on-the-job training, work experience, employment services and other appropriate activities as allowed under the Act to eligible residents. Read moreabout Public Notice- Jefferson/Franklin WIOA Local Plan...
Time Restrictions Employment; Minor Employed/Alcoholic Beverages Sold (Dismissed) Minor in Possession (Dismissed) Assault, 2nd Degree (Dismissed) Theft of Property (Dismissed) Driving Under the Influence (Dismissed) Sexual Abuse, 1st Degree (Amended to Misdemeanor Harassment) ...
It is dereliction of duty for a member of our school board to give in to these demands and try to overturn a popular and recent JCPS Board decision simply because dark-money funded domestic terrorists (the same folks who have been storming board meetings, not just in Jefferson County, but ...
Banning the box protects Alabamians with convictions who have paid their debt to society from being discriminated against while seeking employment, reduces the disproportionate impact on people of color, and decreases chances of recidivism. In 2017, a Ban the Box bill passed Alabama’s Senate, yet...
if the employer first applied for H-2 agricultural or H-2A temporary alien agricultural labor certification after 1977, such standards shall be no more than those normally required (at the time of the first application) by other employers for the activity in the area of intended employment, unl...
Your safety is our top priority. Natural gas, when handled correctly, is one of the safest energy sources available. At Cullman-Jefferson County Gas District, we prioritize the health and safety of our customers above all else. Stay Safe...
It might be time enough to seek employment for them at sea, when the land no longer offers it. But the actual habits of our countrymen attach them to commerce. They will exercise it for themselves. Wars then must sometimes be our lot; and all the wise can do, will be to avoid that...
The Nexus Of Trade, Employment And Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence From Palestine The economies, trade and employment in the Palestinian territories (PTs) in the Gaza Strip and West Bank have undergone numerous shocks and instabilities over the past four decades. Palestinian External trade experien...