Jefferson County Elections Mission Statement As election professionals in the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office, we will ensure the integrity of the electoral process, establish and enhance public confidence, encourage citizen participation through voter training and education, and develop professional election...
2 Jefferson County Fire Districts Hold ElectionsVoters in two fire protection districts in Jefferson County will be electing directors in Tuesday's local elections.U.S. NewspapersSt Louis PostDispatch (MO)
It is dereliction of duty for a member of our school board to give in to these demands and try to overturn a popular and recent JCPS Board decision simply because dark-money funded domestic terrorists (the same folks who have been storming board meetings, not just in Jefferson County, but ...
Thank you for following my blog, even though I have not posted for quite awhile. I don’t make resolutions for the new year, but I have two of them for 2023, beyond trying to be a better person. They are to post on my blog more regularly, and make and send more cards. Let me ...
FamilyUpdates:April28,2023 Dear Jefferson Middle School Families: Happy Friday - enjoy the spring sunshine this weekend! Kristyn Westphal, Principal Key Upcoming Dates & Events May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month May 3:6:00-7:00 PM: Rising 6th Grade Parent Night ...
THE WAY IT WAS. That would mean having Thomas Jefferson revert to being just another high school. That is what it was back in the golden days of Fairfax County. Options:Reply•Quote Re: Democrats Destroy High Tech Thomas Jefferson High School With Bogus Unfair Diversity ...
Candidates with Experience Leading Jefferson County Seek Executive Post; ELECTIONSJEFFERSON COUNTY * Two men with experience leading the county arevying for county executive on...Thorsen, Leah
This major reference work provides complete returns for the gubernatorial elections by state and county for the period 1776 to 1860, information nowhere else available in one volume, and much of it pieced together through years of research of original sources. One section contains the statewide ...