Welcome to the Just the Kittens wiki Hello, everybody! This wikia was recently sold at a police auction and I bought it! So, you might notice a few minor changes around the site! Have fun and remember to kittens! In the tab, I can't make it not say Jeff the Killer, so just make...
Welcome to the Just the Kittens wiki Hello, everybody! This wikia was recently sold at a police auction and I bought it! So, you might notice a few minor changes around the site! Have fun and remember to kittens! In the tab, I can't make it not say Jeff the Killer, so just make...
There is currently no text in this page. You cansearch for this page titlein other pages, orsearch the related logs, but you do not have permission to create this page. All items (2) C Creepypasta Heroes - Crisis Aversions Creepypasta Heroes - Prologue...
Jeff the Killer 2015 Another version of the Jeff the Killer origin story, this one from K. Banning Kellum on the Creepypasta Fandom Wiki: The day Jeffrey Woods and his family arrived at their new home, the sky was overcast and the weather was muggy. The gray skies seemed to punctuate his...
原本在2017年会有一部Sesseur版本的电影, 叫《Jeff the killer的起源》. 扮演Jeff 的是名为 Alex Carter的演员.但目前电影因作者叫停以及经费不足,拍摄计划已停止. 图源自杀女孩说与Sesseur证言的疑点 1.最早的那张人脸图出现的视频源发布自2007年8月2日,而按照4chan的说法推断,Katy Robinson死于2008年4月21日...
This article or section is a stub. You can help the Heroes Wiki byexpanding it! What are you waiting for? GO! Do-Gooder Full Name Jefftholomew Von Tentickle Alias(es) Jeff Jeff The Killer(by El Goblino) Jeffery Origin Doors Occupation ...
杰弗里·伍兹(Jeffrey Woods),通常也被称为杀手杰夫(Jeff the Killer),是 GameFuelTv 的兄弟同名的 Creepypasta 短篇小说中名义上的恶棍主角。他是一个失去理智并成为连环杀手以满足他杀人冲动的十几岁男孩。  外貌 杰夫的皮肤非常苍白,眼睑被烧掉,使他看起来更加幽灵。杰夫后来得到了他最独特的特征,他用刀刻...
其他属性 杰弗里·伍兹(Jeffrey Woods)又名杀手杰夫(Jeff the Killer),是 2008 年同名令人毛骨悚然的意大利面的名义主要主角变成主要对手, 历史 注意:这个 wiki 页面是 2011 Creepypasta,我们知道有各种版本的 Jeff the Killer,包括 2015 年的翻拍,以及 KillerJeff 从 2008 年开始的原版正版。但已经决定原来的 Cree...
新人求关于jeff ..这个在美国现在很流行,和slender man一样都邪门的很, jeff the killer 其实真名是 eyeless jeff【无眼杰夫】 背景的说法很多,我这边的很多美国女孩子很多都是jeff
【译文】Jeff i..在WIKI上找的,但是感觉和自己世界观里那个姐夫不太一样,这个隔山打牛神马的写的太过于超神了反而有点委和感如果已经有人翻译过了请54迟钝的我QWQ===