Vote up the most chilling Jeff the Killer stories. Jeff the Killer is a terrifying Internet meme. As the story goes, at some point Jeff was doused with acid, maiming his facial features - except for two haunting eyes and a clown-like mouth filled with sharp teeth. His hobbies include hi...
這是原版的Jeff the killer,而他真正的作者是Sesseur 喔! (也就是Jeff Hodek,而我們平常看到的是Jeff Woods (白帽T 13-15歲的小鬼),Jeff Woods是粉絲創的但也比較廣為人知)(我平常畫的Jeff是有點中間值 XD) 他的外表其實一直在變,但最原本的是黑長髮(深棕)、白T或白襯衫還有山羊鬍? 有興趣可以自己去...
【漫畫翻譯】 Jeff The Killer故事漫畫化 (重新發布) 只看楼主收藏回复 DeluCat 瘦长鬼影 9 註:由於近期翻譯漫畫被盜問題頻繁,只好每頁都加上浮水印防盜。先前考慮盜符水印會破壞畫面所以沒加印,但真的沒其他方法了只能這麼做,請各位見諒!無浮水印的翻譯圖被盜走了多少?或著還有沒有盜走了沒被我抓到的,我真...
Jeff the Killeris a fictional character in the online horror fiction subgenre,creepypasta. He is depicted as a pale, noseless man with long black hair and a Joker-esque grin carved into his face, known for his pre-murder catchphrase, “Go to sleep.” Where does Jeff the Killer come from?
【OC/MEME】IN MY MOUTH 【mcyt/meme】HAPPY FACE ★Moon Walker★ Jeff The Killer歌曲(美梦由尖叫做成) Japan x CrP (Edit) ◆【meme/oc】IN MY MOUTH 【creepypasta】三人合营 You Are worthless 【meme】✦ Loser in Love ✦(MBTI) TERROR MEME [gift] (FLASH WARNING) ...
Jeff the Killer is a nose-less, pale man with dinner-plate wide eyes, with a slit, mad-man smile not unlike The Joker. His name doesn't leave a lot to the imagination, either. He kills. His face, according to Creepypasta legend, was burned off with acid. He now hides...
会导致蟑螂、羽毛从他的身体中脱颖而出,折磨受害者。 弱点和故障 喜欢与受害者玩耍,并在杀人之前折磨他们。 杀手杰夫(Jeff the Killer)被斯莱德曼(Slenderman)击败(两次,其中一局导致杰克(Jack)死亡)和无眼的杰克(Jack)。 他几乎没有战斗经验,主要是追随毫无防备的孩子。
杀手杰夫最初是由 Newgrounds 用户 KillerJeff 于 2008 年 8 月 10 日通过新闻帖子创建的,称他在他的 ED 帐户上找到了这张图片,并提供了杰夫的背景故事。 杀手杰夫最初是作为一款类似于血腥玛丽的幽灵游戏而创建的。 指示是你在房间里所有灯都关掉的壁橱里执行它,然后你盘腿坐下,重复这句话“他和我在一起”...
【COS】Jeff ..Starff:Jeff cn:万骨城Camerist:惜风Post picture:自理Make-up:自理Synergy:半夜 陌子煜 墨莲 gaojiC感谢朋友的友情出演 也感谢摄影的动作指导这是本人第一次在Creepy pasta 贴吧发帖所以有什么不对的也请大家多多指教包含
《城市狂歡City Rave (MEME)(Creepypasta)(Jeff the killer)(200K subs special)》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!