Jeff Leve- Founder, Contributor, and Editor of “The Wine Cellar Insider” The Wine Cellar Insider focuses on Bordeaux wine. Although we cover other regions as well. Thousands of exclusive, searchable winetastingnotes with ratings, winery histories, profiles, images, in-depth articles, links, and...
Jeff Leve(The Wine Cellar Insider)现已发布了550多款波尔多2019年份的品酒笔记和分数。 下表列出了最高得分的葡萄酒。 Leve给两个一级酒庄拉菲Lafite和木桐Mouton Rothschild潜力满分。后者的2019年份于本周发布,比去年的前酒商报价降价30.8%。 Leve在品酒笔记中说:“口感浓郁圆润,层次分明,充满成熟、甜美、新鲜和...
To contact Jeff Leve or The Wine Cellar Insider, Facebook, Twitter @JeffLeve Jeff Leve Twitter Feed or on Instagram at Jeff Leve Instagram If you wish to have wines tasted and reviewed for publication in The Wine Cellar Insider, have any questions about the site or its content, want to ...
2015年份黑玛歌1.5L 2015年是一个难得的好年份,在酒庄看来,这一年份集合了2005、2009以及2010等ding级年份的特点。 连连获得了詹姆斯·萨克林(James Suckling)、杰夫·里弗《酒窖情报》(Jeff Le - 莫尔索专营店于20240815发布在抖音,已经收获了27.6万个喜欢,来抖音