Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe's Benefits Are Limited Towing and Payload Capacity The maximum towing capacity for the 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee is 6200 pounds. That's slightly more than rivals such as the Ford Edge and is also more robust than the Jeep Wrangler's maximum capacity. Fuel Economy and...
PHEV powertrains are a popular choice for those who buy big SUVs. Just take a look at the badges on X5s, GLEs and the like. The Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe takes that potential frugality and adds another dimension: supreme off-road smarts. ...
and high-tech digital displays. The Grand Cherokee 4xe is strictly a two-row SUV, but buyers seeking a third row can upgrade to the Grand Cherokee L, which we review separately. Behind the second row, the Grand Cherokee 4xe offers a spacious cargo hold that's the same size as the non...
Jeep大切诺基副驾改装福祉座椅,无障碍出行新方式 信德泰克福祉设备 JEEP大切开启拖挂之旅 车市霹雳舞 2024款进口JEEP大切诺基降价20万,香呀 雨夜儿 2025吉普大瓦格纳:视觉盛宴,等你探索 大絮侃车 大切诺基3.6高配,豪华驾驶新体验 21世纪丁丁看车 湖北大叔大切诺基挑战陡峭山路,技巧大公开 方哥说车 热门...
The Class-Exclusive PHEV powertrain on the 2024 Jeep® Grand Cherokee 4xe is a startling combo of progress and unmitigated power, offering both Best-in-Class torque and the lowest greenhouse gasses of any Grand Cherokee ever. Don’t let the near-silence of all-electric operation fool you—...
近日,从海外媒体报道获悉,荷兰汽车制造集团Stellantis旗下Jeep正式宣布在泰国市场发布全新Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe车型。据悉,新车搭载2.0 升涡轮增压四缸汽油发动机与电机组合的PHEV插混系统,综效马力达到381匹,匹配8速自动变速箱,售价549万泰铢起(约合人民币133.52万元起)。
2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe 30th Anniversary Edition 发布于2023.3.11 19:40 次播放 棘轮Guy 关注0人2703粉丝 关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 推荐:슬기로운 아들 1부슬기로운 아들 2부방귀쟁이 며느리 2부두더지 사위 2부HeartbeatJust ...
全新电动吉普大切诺基 4xe 加入了大切诺基和三排大切诺基 L 的军团,扩展大切诺基车型阵容。Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe 的设计和设计旨在提供更多使 Grand Cherokee 成为高端 SUV 领域真正的全球标志的特性,包括传奇的 Jeep 4×4 性能、一流的空间和多功能性以及先进的安全功能。大切诺基 4xe 的 E Selec 模式——...
JEEP美国总部于2月6日宣布,旗下电动SUV-Jeep Grand Cherokee4xe30周年纪念版将在本月于美国芝加哥车展上正式展出。◆采用黑色格栅及专属内饰 该车型的发布是为了庆祝JEEP品牌大切诺基车型上市三十周年而特别设立的,在外观方面的最为突出的特点就是以前脸的黑色进气格栅,以及下方的蓝色拖车钩、双边排气、双天窗设计和...
Jeep新款大切诺基Grand Cherokee 4xe车型,起价仍为60,490美元(约为44万人民币),并停售周年纪念版和Summit Reserve两款车型,而Trailhawk、Overland和Summit的定价保持不变。此外,新车也将全面停售5.7L V8动力车型,并适配3.6升Pentastar V6发动机,其最大功率可达218kW,峰值扭矩352N·m;而4xe系列车型则将继续搭载2.0...