几乎每一款享誉世界的经典车型的背后都有一段美好的故事,大切诺基也是一样,作为Jeep家族的旗舰级SUV,最纯正的家族血统流淌在每一代大切诺基(英文Grand Cherokee是不是更纯正呢?)的车身中,无论是一直沿袭的外观设计,还是向来看重的越野能力,或者是从不放弃的安全保障,大切诺基都让你感受到最真实的“越野梦”。 随着...
车享新车车型库为您提供进口JeepGrand Cherokee [大切诺基]2017款 Grand Cherokee [大切诺基] 3.6 手自一体 旗舰尊耀版参数配置、油耗排列、价格等信息。车享新车100%原厂车源、原厂质保、国家三包、购车全程无忧,一站式解决您进口JeepGrand Cherokee [大切诺基]2017款 Gra
The 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT is an exercise in overkill, but its sports-car-rivaling grip and roaring Hemi make it a performance powerhouse.
王石这样的商界成功人士即便登上了珠峰,也同样还会在自己的世界里,拿出一台大切诺基感受别样人生的宽和厚。 这种冒险、开拓和充分感知生命的精神与情怀,一直是Jeep给人们传递的理念。当然,仅仅凭借内心的渴望是不够的,还是需要有一定的经济实力才能完成这样的人生梦想。虽然代价有高有低,如果看看2017款大切的价格,相对...
2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Exterior Colors: View the Jeep Grand Cherokee in all its color options along with a variety of photos and 360 tours.
Revised grille, headlamps, and lower fascia grace the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, while performance remains outstanding. Official information and photos at Car and Driver.
OWNER’S MANUAL2017Grand CherokeeSRT
2004年上市的Cherokee WK更像是它的量产版。 ↑ 这款Jeep Commander Concept,更多的是展示了克莱斯勒集团对于甲醇燃料电池的前瞻。 到了2017年,“指挥官”这个名字又被广汽菲克挖出来,用在了FC平台、云图概念车的量产版上,当时的7座版本被叫做“大指挥官”(Jeep Grand Commander),5座版本叫做“指挥官”,随后又在...
It's a Grand Cherokee with a 707-hp supercharged Hellcat motor—hell yes! Full details at Car and Driver.
The Jeep Grand Cherokee is pretty much tops among mid-size SUVs when the road beneath isn’t actually a road. That said, there’s a difference between being capable of performing a task and being purpose-built to master it. And while every Wrangler is born to play in the dirt, none ...