try-with-resources Statement,我们不再需要手动调用 close 方法,也可以释放连接。 此处以 Jedis 为例子,说下该方法的使用,如果我们的 Jedis 是通过 jedisPool.getResource() 从连接池获取的话,调用 close 方法将会把连接归还到连接池。否则,断开与 Redis 的连接。 try-with-resources Statement 使用try-with-resou...
bo* @date 2022/7/22 9:06 AM*/public static synchronized Jedis getJedis() {try {if (jedisPool != null) {return jedisPool.getResource();} else {return null;}} catch (Exception e) {throw new BusinessException("获取Jedis资源异常:" + e.getMessage());}}/*** description: 释放资源** ...
} 如果你的JAVA版本不支持try-with-resource语法,我们可以使用Jedis.close() Jedis jedis =null;try{ jedis=pool.getResource();/// ... do stuff here ... for examplejedis.set("foo", "bar"); String foobar= jedis.get("foo"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "car"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "b...
"localhost");System.out.println("连接池初始化成功");}@TestpublicvoidtestPing(){// Jedis 实现了java.lang.AutoCloseable接口,所以这里可以用java 1.7 try-with-resources语法自动完成closetry(Jedis jedis=pool.getResource()){//查看服务是否运行
getResource();) { // 应用程序执行操作 } 1.2 封装应用 上述写法,如果使用者没有使用try-with-resource并且忘记了归还资源,可以对JedisPool做一层封装,将归还资源的操作封装起来。 1、资源池: 代码语言:javascript 复制 public class RedisPool { private JedisPool pool; public RedisPool() { this.pool = ...
Hi, I a multi-thread application, I add data like this: public void add(data) { try (ShardedJedis shardedJedis = shardedJedisPool.getResource()) { shardedJedis.zadd(KEY, data); } } However, I catch the exception again: redis.clients.jedi...
With aJedisPoolinstance, you can use atry-with-resourcesblock to get a connection and run Redis commands. Here's how to run a singleSETcommand within atry-with-resourcesblock: try(Jedisjedis=pool.getResource()) {jedis.set("clientName","Jedis"); } ...
With aJedisPoolinstance, you can use atry-with-resourcesblock to get a connection and run Redis commands. Here's how to run a singleSETcommand within atry-with-resourcesblock: try(Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { jedis.set("clientName","Jedis"); } ...
注: 因为JedisPool实现了AutoCloseable, 所以在平时开发使用中, 我们只需要使用jdk自带的try-resource即可, 代码如下: try(Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { return jedis.set(key, value); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("传递过来的参数:key={}, value={}, 调用redis异常", key, value...
1、 Could not get a resource from the pool 2、java.util.NoSuchElementException: Unable to validate object 说的大概是一个意思,连接池中获取不到资源/找不到有效的对象。查看报错位置的源码,如下: publicTborrowObject(long borrowMaxWaitMillis)throws Exception{this.assertOpen();AbandonedConfig ac=this.aba...